part 4

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The doctor took me to a large chamber full of closets bursting with various items of strange garments, the likes of which I had never seen before.

The Doctor looked lost in thought, as she slowly circled me," that armour is super impressive," she exclaimed "I think it's been awhile since I've met a lady Knight though, your chain mail looks a bit battered though," she sighed
"But I think, I've got something in here," she said delving into the nearest wardrobe
"there that will do nicely,"
Then before she could utter another word I had pulled it from her grasp, and placed it on top of my other items of armour that I had managed to salvage
"Might you have a chest plate," I asked "my other one is beyond repair,"

The Doctor scanned the room in front of her, and after a few moments where she looked lost within her own thoughts she emerged again with a chest plate made out of the brightest silver that shone  with all the brilliance of a thousand rising Sun's,  and in her other hand she held the finest silken undergarments to go beneath it.

"That will do nicely," I said
Tearing off what remained of my own armour.

The Doctor  stood unblinking,
" Y/N....You certainly have quite the figure,"
"Excuse me m'lady" I answered "I forgot  myself, it's been awhile, and until this moment, my only company has been my fellow knights, I apologise profusely if I embarrassed thee.
"Not embarrassed," she said "just suprised.
"Could you help me," I asked
"I normally have the assistance of my sister when putting on my armour...but alas
...." I said unable to finish off the sentence, scared of the finality of it
"No problem..." she responded back "you know I once helped Arthur," she said her hazel green eyes widening I'm childish delight, and I couldn't help but smile at the wonder I found within them.

"But I'm sure you have never heard of him" she said
"The once and future king, I exclaimed "yes he is somewhat of a legend were I come from,"
"It was hearing tales of him from my sister that made me want to join the knights cause....tell me was he as chivalrous and wondrous as I imagined? "
"That he was..and you know I think this armour might have been his" said the doctor looking again lost in thoughts that I sensed were too painful to recall.

"There you go Y/ look quite the part now," she said, turning me round in a full circle to admire me, and then finally clasping my velvet cloak to my shoulders

"Thank you m'lady" I said Then reaching for her hand without thinking, I gently kissed it, smiling as her cheeks reddened and her eyes sparkled"Right let's take you to get properly introduced to my fam,""Fam ?" I repeated back unsure of this alien...

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"Thank you m'lady" I said
Then reaching for her hand without thinking, I gently kissed it, smiling as her cheeks reddened and her eyes sparkled
"Right let's take you to get properly introduced to my fam,"
"Fam ?" I repeated back unsure of this alien world
"Family" she repeated again
Grabbing my hand this time, as she led me out the door to where her companions stood, her eyes fixed on mine, her smile stretching out to reveal perfectly white teeth, and for a few brief seconds I felt my tummy flip over and My breath catch in my throat...and as we drew closer to her family I was sure that I must have died, and in doing so had strayed into the gates of heaven to find myself in the presence of a glorious and exceptionally beautiful angel the likes of which had only ever existed in scrolls and legends of olde.

When Darkness falls (13th doctor x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now