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So I have no idea when the drawing will come out and I think I'm gonna give Pentagon some support from the SCPF Naval Forces so you guys can pick who it is. I also changed the book cover cause I found this on the SCP wikidot and it looks way cooler.

Must be a ship sunk from previous chapters so here are your options.

- SCPS Redemption (Local Jackass, male, Guided-Missile Destroyer)

- SCPS Persistence (Average Person...totally, female, Battleship)

- SCPS Spear (The Mother, female, Battleship)

- SCPS Lanner (Anti-Lolicon, female, Guided-Missile Destroyer)

I'm changing SCPS Lanner to a Guided-Missile Cruiser but I didn't put in the edit because it would delete the comments and some don't specify it on Lanner.

Comment who you want and I'll give my response on the most votes in a few days.

Update: Guys, if your only gonna vote on the chapter. Why, just why. Actually voice your opinion

Update two: Vote has ended and locked in, SCPS Lanner will be the next ship to enter the Azur Lane world. Where will she end up? Who knows, let's just hope it's not near Sakuran waters.

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