Chapter 6.5: Christmas in the Black Sword Unit

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"Merry Christmas assholes!"

- Artificer


Azur Lane Headquarters, Territory of Hawaii, Eagle Union
December 25th, 1942
0925 hours

"A bit higher!" A female yelled signaling someone by raising her hands.

"Is this good?" Another female voice cried out asking as she held onto red tinsel raising it higher against the wall.

"A bit more."

"Alright..." The girl raised her arms even more struggling to reach. Her body shook more and more violently as she continued, "Woah!" the girl yelped as she almost fell off her balance.

"Quiet shaking up there, I'm gonna fall and drop you!" Someone yelled scolding the girl attempting to put up decorations.

"Oh, I don't see you trying to reach up here you Canuck! Also quit smoking if your gonna complain, you're putting everyone else in danger!" The girl on the other girl's shoulder shot back before continuing her attempt to reach the designated spot for decorations.

The girl carrying the other girl on her shoulders instead mocked her by mimicking what she said. They were not getting along well right now, the third female supervising ignored their hatred and arguments towards each other after the one on the shoulders heard the girl she was sitting on. But she knew that it would cool down later.

Ten meters from them, two people stood by each other watching the argument unfold like it was a comedy sketch but it wasn't. The two seemed like they were about to begin a brawl but the third one calmed them both down.

"Hey Quebec, why are we even making them use each other as a ladder?" The shipgirl carrying a coffee mug that said 'I ❤️ giving Krauts PTSD' asked Quebec who was standing on her left. She had a questionable face unable to tell if she should be laughing or confused.

"I have no idea." Quebec replied shaking her head seemingly confused as the other girl, "And we have ladders so why aren't we using one?"

"Well, we have to blame the Admiral on that then."

Quebec let out a sigh looking down in sadness and disbelief before looking back up and speaking, "Of course, that two-faced bittttt-bastard did this, up to her schemes since I met her back in May..."

"Well, I guess it can't be helped?" She gave a nervous smile to Quebec being unable to find another response to it. 'I wonder what the others are doing...'


"How do you even walk in these conditions?! Also, why aren't you cold?!" A blonde cowboy hat girl yelled as she attempted to balance herself on the snow, she was wearing a long trench coat over her usual attire.

"Those are Maple girls Hornet, they live in the snow and they can adapt to this place's temperature without problems. What did you even expect- GAH!" Another shipgirl replied before falling on the icy path.

"Let's just say we're built differently." A Monarchy shipgirl said shrugging as she smirked innocently.

"You call this cold? This is nothing compared to the weather we face up North!" Another Maple girl said tauntingly as she ran across the icy path in her usual attire without a problem. She wasn't even wearing skating boots and she was moving perfectly fine.

"Yeah!" A cheer from a handful of Maple shipgirls yelled in joy while the Eagle Union, Sakuran, and Royal Navy ships struggled. The Ironblood's had it easier as some of them had spikes in their boots making the handling of the ice easier.

I will die in the dark to finish what we couldn't do.."Contain The Bismarck"Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum