Chapter 10: Shattered Seas

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- HMCS Oakville


The Empress' Gambit

"Therefore," A female with a strong aura and power spoke confidently while grinning like the devil. Standing in the middle of a large conference room, a fancy chair stood in front of her with someone sitting on it with a long table on the left and right of the room made out of some sort of material that did not seem acquirable to most of us despite the universe. Many high-ranking sirens were sitting as they listened to her speak, "I think we should launch another invasion on these insects that call themselves 'humans' and crush them."

Her speech was strong and it did capture the attention of many of the sirens in the room. But everyone knew her better as Arbiter IIII, The Empress. Being the leader of the sirens, she held great responsibility but was she the leader of a large empire that has lived on for millions of years? Or was she a mere Rook on the chessboard?

"Hm..." A female in the dark part of the room began to think it over. She had her arms on the table with it only showing skin-tight long black gloves. Her face could not be seen but a glowing yellow visor was the only thing that could portray her. She was bigger than everyone in the room, maybe a giant. With black tubes attached to her abdomen glowing from some yellow lines, it was the only thing everyone could see as her full body was hidden from the eye of her subordinates. "It was very easy to take care of the last world...leaving only some of those kansen alive..." She spoke in a very low voice like a granny. "But, the decision...lies with Arbiter I, so..." She turned to her left looking downward at a female in a black dress. "What do you think, Miss Overseer."

The Overseer was not as big or tall as the giant in the shadows. She was more visible sitting on the fancy chair. She had the obvious white hair in a very long ponytail and wavy hair over the shoulder in front. There was some type of sharp weird-looking hairpin with multiple attachments to the upper part of the hairpin's body. In a long black dress, the sleeves had black corrupted arms with hands attached to her. Multiple black bowties were forming to become larger and larger as they get closer to the exposed upper breasts just like some adult dresses. Her hips and a quarter of half of her legs were visible to everyone and finishing it all off with black high heels.

She most certainly did not match the description of 'Overseer'. It certainly would've been if she switched places with Arbiter II The Goddess as that giant looked more like one.

"It is certainly lustfully alluring to commit such...actions again." The Overseer in a somewhat soft voice put one of her fingers on her mouth before extending it as it dripped black goo.

"Did she just say 'lustfully alluring'?" A high-ranking siren within the room who was sitting down leaned to her left whispering over to another high-ranking siren.

"Do you need to get your hearing systems checked because she specifically said that?" The siren that was being spoken to whispered back over answering the question while asking some of her own.

"What? No, I just-" The siren who started the conversation tried to reply but caught the attention of one of the high-ranking sirens.

"Miss Arcana, Miss Striker." The Overseer addressed the two which brought everyone else's attention towards them.

Hearing themselves being addressed, their bodies shot up immediately from the discussion with no regard at all like a robot. "Lady Overseer!" The two yelled at the same time fixing themselves to stand up straight at attention.

I will die in the dark to finish what we couldn't do.."Contain The Bismarck"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ