Chapter 7: The Creation

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"Due to SCP-4217 moving near Belgian waters the Belgian Government allowed us to create a site in Belgium. It will be going under the name of the Belgian Navy acting as a Dockyard and Maritime Research Facility for Foundation Naval Task Forces in the North Sea."

- 05██


Research and Containment Site-44██████████████████ ███████

May st, ████

████ hours

(Wouldn't let me stick it together due to blackened out parts.)

A bald man in a black suit walked across the halls of Site-44. With a certain symbol on the left of his suit, no one paid attention to him, especially with the black shades that cover his eyes. Well, no one was currently in those halls so no one was watching him. This symbol however would raise suspicion among the public as they'd never seen it before. And those who do never live to tell the tale.

The light inside the hall however caused brightness as it came off the bald man's head. A female with curly brown hair that reached her neck level and a slick blonde-haired man couldn't help but stare at the bald man due to the brightness that reflected off of him as he kept a stone-cold face.

The female had a white lab coat over her blue scrub top and scrub bottoms. The male, on the other hand, was wearing the same thing but he did not have a lab coat on him, instead, he had a face mask hanging on his neck. Both of them had their ID cards on their breast pocket with the card showing a martini glass and snake curled around it inside of the Foundation symbol with level clearance and an ID photo for the rest of the ID card.

"Shiny..." The female whispered blonde as they walked, this caused her colleague to tense up as a stare from the bald man was sent their way. "EEP!" The female squeaked quickly looking down as she walked, the male on the other hand looked the other way.

The bald man turned his attention back to the face in front of him showing no expression from that encounter. He didn't want to scare them but he gave a look that said 'piss off' so it was no surprise that they shook in fear.

As he continued to walk, the rhythm of his shoes followed it.

Tap tap tap.

And then repeat it as the noise echoed through the silent halls with personnel coming into view now and then.

A few of them were armed with submachine guns or rifles wearing a completely white uniform, ftu boots, kevlar armor with pouches, and a tactical belt with the usual military or police gear. Some of them were wearing a helmet with gear attached to them while others wore baseball caps and military headphones. But all of them wore sunglasses, goggles, or a balaclava. Oh, and there was also one guy wearing a riot helmet but none seemed to pay much attention to the man in the suit.

Others seemed to be more defenseless, wearing a lab coats over their personal clothes. One was carrying a toolbox with a yellow helmet, black cargo work pants, a black shirt, and an orange hi-vis safety vest over it. Most didn't seem to pay attention while others took one glance before moving on.

Soon enough, he reached a doorway that was guarded by two armed guards, similar to the ones he passed earlier but they seemed more equipped. But they weren't alone, behind a glass window, there were multiple armed guards in there so whatever they were keeping behind the doors meant it was important.

I will die in the dark to finish what we couldn't do.."Contain The Bismarck"Where stories live. Discover now