148. Holy Terror

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A white bus drove in the distance of a foggy day in Caribou, Wyoming. The bus has multiple Christian logos and writings on it: "MELODY MINISTRY GLEE CLUB" "Let us sing to the Lord!" "Honk if you (heart) Jesus" "Jesus saves!"

A women's chorus was singing a popular Protestant hymn, This Little Light of Mine.

The bus pulled up to a roadhouse with a lot of motorcycles parked in front. The door opened, and a bunch of tough-looking male bikers, leather, chains, tattoos, piercings, shaved heads, looked in disbelief at what walked in. In the bar, Bad Luck by Social Distortion was playing.

The bikers lined up against one wall, and about a dozen women in matching white dresses and orange cardigans line up along the other wall.

"You shouldn't be here," a biker told them.

"We have just as much right to be here as you do, brother," a blonde glee clubber told them.

Angel blades sunk into hands. Brilliant white light flashed, while screamed and yelled were heard and the window glass was shattered. The door opened and the sisters walked out of the roadhouse, back to their bus; their outfits were spattered with blood.

Inside the roadhouse, bikers' bodies were everywhere. Social Distortion played in the background.

Outside by the bus, the blonde glee clubber said, "All right, girls, everybody."

The women sang as the bus drove off.


Dean drove in the Impala. Sam was passenger, and Alana, Adah and Brianna were in back, asleep.

"So, he's better?" Dean asked.

Ezekiel replied, "Yes. Sam is much improved. It should be much longer now."

"You realize you told me the same thing last week, right?"

"And I told you when we met -- this will take time."

Dean let out a frustrated breath. "Okay, well, go then. Heal. I'd like my brother back, please, and I know Alana would like her brother-in-law back and the kids want their uncle back."

Ezekiel answered stiffly, "I must say, Dean, I'm very uncomfortable with this whole trip. Investigating crimes involving angels -- or anything involving angels -- puts me, and therefore, Sam, at risk."

"Well, family business, Zeke. All right? If we ignore this, Sam's gonna think something fishy's goin' on."

Ezekiel paused. "Then I trust you will be discreet."

After a pause of his own, Dean said, "Wait, if you know where we're going, that means you've been listening in. Are you -- are you hearing everything between me, Sam, Alana and Sylvie?"

"No. Just a word here and there. I have better things to do with my time than eavesdrop, like heal your brother."

"Okay, 'cause here's the thing--"

Sam's eyes flashed blue and Ezekiel receded and Sam resumed. "-you know, I was gonna say, it seems like it's getting really quiet out there, you know? Not a peep from the angels, even Buddy Boyle goes off the air and stops recruiting for them."

Dean took a moment to adjust to talk to Sam. "Obviously it's the calm before the storm."

"Yeah, maybe," Sam replied, unconvinced. He noticed something outside and stared, startled.


"That sign said 'Fort Collins, 50 miles'."


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