The Bird Daddy (HawksX y/n)

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(It's been nearly two months since anyone has seen hawks at work, hes really taking the dad role seriously. Taking care of his mate and bonding with their baby has been super important to him but now the time for him to return to daily work is approaching and he is not very happy about that)

Ever since the baby arrived Keigo has refused to leave your side but you loved watching him be a dad. He loved the fact that you decided to store up breast milk so he could feed her just as much as you did, he would hold her so close and sing to her while she ate and whenever she cried or was fussy he would rush right to her crib to comfort her. He also bought her a cute onesie that said My daddy's my hero it was truly adorabblleeee, and when you needed a break he was always there. You could tell he wasn't looking forward to having to return to work because he was always holding her and he's gotten so protective that when you ordered pizza last night he covered your daughter with his wings and glared at the door when the pizza got there. You thought it was cute but he was not amused by you teasing him about it.

Unfortunately the morning came when he needed to go and of course you woke up to him holding the baby close to him..puffy wings and all
"Babe you can't take her with you.. you gotta put her down you'll be late." Your words earned a low growl of annoyance which made you smirk "Babe.." he looked at you with sad eyes "noooooo.. mine." You laughed scooting closer to him "hey she's mine too hehe I know you don't wanna go but we'll be here when you return love." He kissed the baby's head "my nugget! Donnn wannaa." You laughed again "babe. You gotta. Besides you know you're her favorite hero and you can't be a hero here so go save people.. and I bet if she could talk she'd say the same thing." He looked at you with an annoyed expression "mmhhh finee. But I wanna video chat today and send me pictures if you put her in cute outfits I dont wanna Miss out on that." You smiled and agreed "okay we can do that and if you hurry and get dressed you can be the one to feed her before you go." He smiled real big and handed you the baby so he could get dressed then he hurried to warm the milk in a bottle, of course he sang to her the whole time and giggled when she would touch his face.
When it was time for him to go he gave you both about a million kisses each
"Text me..often... please!"  You chuckled "I will now go to work silly!"
He smiled "Bye babe, bye my little nugget I love you both!"
As you shut the door you heard a knock and immediately opened it back up to see hawks staring at you "seriously?? You don't just open the door without knowing who's on the other side that's unsafe babe." You glared at him in slight aggravation "Go mister!" He smiled "I'm going I'm going be safe! Seriously babe! We have cameras for a reason."
You sighed knowing him like the back of your hand you replied "if I close this door.. and you test knock again me and our little nugget are going to kick your ass. Have a good day I love you" he chuckled as you shut the door
"Now you my little chicky can go back to sleepies." You said quietly to your obviously sleepy baby.
(Narratiom/Hawks pov)
Hawks dreaded this day but he knew that at the end he would be able to come home to his beautiful family and he could share pictures with some of his close colleagues
Which he did and kinda annoyed everyone with it.
Every few minutes he was checking his phone and when he got a picture of the baby sleeping he nearly lost his mind
Around noon he got a text that filled him with happiness, excitement and concern. Since he hadn't eaten anything yet his dear love suggested she bring him something. He was nervous about her and their baby being swarmed by cameras, he liked to protect their privacy as much as he possibly could but he was missing the baby so bad so he agreed.
He waited at their favorite Cafe and of course he wanted endeavor to meet his baby even though his other half did not care for that man but she atleast was tolerant of him.

When he saw his two loves arrive he got super excited and ran over to them of course kissing them both and reaching out his arms "gimmie gimmie gimmie the nugget."
(Y/ns pov)
You giggled as you gave him the baby and he was now happier than a dog in a toy store. You were slightly annoyed to see that endeavor was with him, everything about that man was irritating. Keigo spun around flapping his wings slightly "heyy no flying with the baby! Don't even try it!" You warned sternly
He smiled and snuggled the happy little baby in his arms who seemed to only really be interested in trying to grab his hair and feathers. Ever so often she would make a noise and he would act like they were having a conversation and you did think it was hilarious when Keigo swatted endeavors hand away from the baby "love ya man but no mama bird would absolutely kill me and I know you haven't washed your hands all day and you handled a drunk civilian an hour ago." For the record in your head you agreed because you totally would kill him 😂
After you all got your food orders you and Keigo decided to go home and eat so as you both were leaving he took the little babies arm and waved bye to endeavor
You were happy to see Keigo but you knew you'd have to deal with the same thing from this morning after lunch was over 😅

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