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"It has been great talking to you guys. We hope to see you all at the convention."

Korra turns off the car and exits her blue Chevrolet Chevelle SS. She locks it as she opens the door to her shared house.

"Royalty huh," Korra thinks idly as she walks in. She spots Bolin on the couch playing a video game.

"I'm back," she announces as she hangs her jacket in the closet. Bolin glances at her before returning to his game. "Korra! I would like totally hug you since it's been a while since you've been home. But I'm trying to beat this boss right now and he has killed me for the ninth-" A game over interrupts him.

"Tenth...time...today." He frowns as he puts down the controller. "Okay, that's enough for today." He stands up and pulls Korra into a hug, something he took to doing every time he sees her after the incident happened.

Korra pats his back as she hugs back. "Miss you too Bo but...I can't breathe." She struggles to breathe out.

"Oh, my bad." Bolin apologizes as he releases her.

"Ok, so I wanted to surprise my girlfriend by cooking something for her so I made these things called Manju. Can you try them please?" Bolin says excitedly as he pulls her into their kitchen. He slides a Tupperware container towards her.

Korra takes a bite of the maju and goes silent. "You know Bolin, you're gonna make a fine househusband one day." She grins at him.

Bolin bashfully blushes and goes into a small rant. He talks about how different the bake is from the steam and how you have to make sure it's sealed completely. He also shows her the failed ones which taste good but feel apart. After they finished catching up and eating they went upstairs to their game room. They hung out playing games together for a while until they heard a commotion come from downstairs.

"Korra?! Bolin?! An irritated-sounding voice rang through the house. "We're in the game room!" Korra calls out. She and Bolin are in the middle of a boxing match on their VR system.

Bolin had Korra against the rope but Korra made a comeback when she ducked and laid into him before knocking him out. "Aww, I never win." Bolin pouts as they take their gear off while Korra laughs. She stops when she notices an irritated Mako standing in the doorway.

"Whadder you so excited about, eh?" She says sarcastically in a joking tone while she grins at him. He glares at her for a while till he looks down sulking. "You okay bro?" Bolin says, looking at Mako in concern. Mako plops down in a chair and puts his face in his hands.

"I got dumped." He mumbles. Korra walks over to pat him on the back. "That's rough buddy what happened? Did she cheat or somethin? It has to be bad since it's been years and you never even let us see the girl." Korra pauses comtemplating before continuing. "Hell, we don't even know how she looks! Are you sure she's real?" Korra jokes.

Bolin gives her a disapproving stare making her look away. Bolin sighs and shakes his head giving Mako a pitying look. He goes over to sit next to him and throws his arm over his shoulder.

"Yeah bro, like you sounded real smitten with her. What happened for all these years to go down the drain." Mako mumbles something under his breath. "Eh?". Korra says.

He straightens up and gets up walking away from them. He turns around still downcasted but now a little guarded. "I said...I-I." He gulps before continuing. "I...cheated on her."

Bolin gasps while Korra looks at him with an unreadable expression. "Excuse me, let me clean my ears because I don't think I heard you right?" Korra says while making the motion of cleaning her ears. She walks towards him letting out a humorous laugh. Mako looks at her and starts to repeat himself. "I said I cheat-"

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