After party

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"I'll catch up to y'all in a bit. I gotta find my friends." Adora announces once they finally make it to the VIP section. Luz says she needs to too.

"That's fine I'm headed over," Korra pauses and looks around as she points to a booth in the corner.

"We'll meet over there. Okay?" Luz and Adora agree and walk away.

Korra heads towards the booth and halfway there someone wrapped their arms around her shoulder. "Korra you guys were sooo awesome up there!" Bolin's cheerful voice says behind her.

"Thanks for coming, Bo." Korra smiles at him and pulls him towards the booth. Bolin sat next to her as he started to talk animatedly. A couple minutes later Luz walks up with her friends.

"Korra, meet my best friends Gus Porter and Willow Park." Luz squeezes them both in a single-arm hug as she introduces them to Korra. They sit down and Gus shakes her hand.

"My name is actually Augustus, everyone just calls me Gus." He says and Korra nods.

"Nice to finally meet you both. Luz talks about you two all the time." She smiles after shaking their hands.

Bolin bumps her shoulder and she turns to him confused. He stares at her and at them, then he looks back at her. Her eyes widened slightly when she realized what he was saying. She pats him on the cheek and pulls him into a side hug.

"This big teddy bear is Bolin." She tells them while smiling. Bolin grins and introduces himself. They hear a squeal at their side. They look and see Adora shaking her head while two people beside her smile so hard it looks like their cheeks would hurt.

Adora walks up to the group, her friends following her. "Sorry about them y'all they're just excited." She says with a small shy smile and heads to sit down next to Korra but is blocked when Glimmer moves her and slides in. She holds out her hand for Korra to shake.

"Hi, I'm Glimmer. Been a fan of yours since the fire ferrets debut." Korra raises her eyebrow and locks eyes with Adora who's shaking her head. Korra turns her attention back to Glimmer and gives her a lopsided grin as she takes her hand.

"Korra, which you already know. It is always a," she kisses the back of Glimmer's hand. "Pleasure to meet a fan," she adds a wink, making Glimmer turn red.

Adora laughs as Bow moves in and moves Glimmer out of the booth, deciding to sit next to Korra instead. He introduces himself. "I'm Bow Glimmer's husband." He looks at Glimmer when he says that. She shrugs and gestures to her in awe. He looks back at Korra. "And Adora's best friend."

He holds his hand out for her. Korra takes it and kisses the back of his too. "And I swing both ways." She winks at him.

Adora sighs loudly and shakes her head. Korra looks at her and smiles while shrugging.

Bow stares at her for a second and turns back to Glimmer. "I understand now." He simply says.

Glimmer finishes introducing herself to everyone fangirling but not as bad when she notices Bolin. Bow finishes his introduction and shakes everyone's hand. When he gets to Luz he gasps and squeaks.

"Oh my gosh, she really shook my hand." He waves it in Adora's face who pushes it away.

"I'm never washing it again." The group laughs, Glimmer and Luz harder than the others.

"I know I fangirled but not as much as that." Glimmer teases him.

Bow calms himself down. "Sorry-" His voice broke, and he coughs and starts over.

"Sorry about that, I'm like a really huge fan." He scratches his cheek in embarrassment.

Luz smiles at him. "It's cool bro. Gotta my second favorite reaction to someone shaking my hand." They order a couple of drinks to be brought out. Luz and her friends have non-alcoholic drinks since they're underage. Korra gets sparkling water while Adora and Bolin get beers and Bow and Glimmer cocktails.

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