The Convention Part 2

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 (Ehhhh... I'll say the drawing looks alright for my first time)

A voice long since lost to her rings in Adora's headphones. Her fingers pluck at her guitar as she loses herself in the melody.

And now your song is on repeat

And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat

And when you're gone, I feel incomplete

So, if you want the truth

Adora stops plucking, reaches up and removes her headphones. She fixes her hat on her head correctly and makes sure her mask is tied snuggly.

She catches the end of Luz's conversation she's having on the phone.

"Zip it, Hunter... pero mami he started it...okay, bye everyone." Luz hangs up and puts her phone in her pocket. She bends down and starts rummaging through her backpack. Adora walks up behind her. Luz turns around when she hears her.

"Have they said how long till we're up?" Adora asks, before placing her guitar back in the case. She closes it and squats down next to Luz leaning on the wall.

"I don't think so. I noticed the other group had just left so it shouldn't be long. It sucks that we couldn't hear them tho." Luz says while she continues to look in her bag.

"Gotcha." She mumbles as she pulls out her pair of purple drumsticks.

"Sorry, bout that I didn't mean to wake up late." Adora looks down at her knees and begins tapping her fingers against her leg.

"Don't worry, it's alright. Besides, it wasn't just you." Luz stands up and starts counting on her fingers.

"Korra wasn't even awake when we made it to her place. Plus traffic was a bitch and we still had to take photos on the carpet." Adora shakes her head and chuckles.

"Think we would be more prepared huh? Also speaking of Korra, where is she?" Adora looks around but doesn't see her. Luz grins and walks away heading around the corner.

"What?! Hey?!" Korra protests as she's pulled along by a smirking Luz.

Luz pushes her towards Adora. "Here she is our wonderful leader." After Korra straightens her clothes and catches her balance, she glares at Luz.

"Pinche chamaco." (Fucking Kid/Brat.)

Luz gasps while smiling. How scandalous. "Una maldita anciana (A fucking old lady.) swearing at a promising young star. I can see the headlines now."

Adora smiles and decides to follow Luz's antics. "Aye dios mio Luz, you gotta be careful now, her heart's fragile." Korra looks at Adora.

"Eh, you are literally only two years younger than me. I'm not the one whose bones crack every time they stand up." Korra crosses her arms and smirks looking down at her.

"Hey, now listen here old lady. These bones are still as strong as a young stallion. I just haven't worked out in a while." Adora tells her.

"Prove me wrong then." Korra provokes her.

Adora narrows her eyes up at Korra from her squatting position. Korra continues to smirk at her, now placing her hands on her hips. Luz grins looking back and forward between them as they stare at each other.

Adora finally relents and sighs. She smacked her hand on her thighs preparing herself to stand up. Her knees crack and pop as she stands up fully. Luz and Korra laugh at her without holding back.

"Okay okay, laugh it up." Adora chuckles also joining them. "Anyway Korra, when are we going on?"

Korra looks at the time on her phone and frowns. "Give me one sec."

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