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Disclaimer don't know much Spanish (I'm learning tho). Soooo Google translate has become my partner in crime. (Any mistakes I apologize let me know Thanks)NOW ONWARD!

"Hey! Watch where you're going." She felt like she hit something. That person sounds angry did I bump into them?"

Not knowing if she bumped into someone or hit a pole she still apologizes. "Whoops sorry."

She slurs as she continues stumbling down the sidewalk. A couple of times she almost trips and falls. Deciding to take a break from walking she turns into an alley and leans against a wall. Her knees suddenly give out underneath her making her kneel on the ground. She becomes dizzy from the sudden movement and pukes.

"Damn, I should of had tooken an Uber." She chastises herself after she finishes puking. She moves away from the vomit and cleans her mouth with the sleeve of her jacket. She reaches into her jeans and pulls out her wallet removing her hidden flask from inside. She takes a swig to rinse her mouth out and spits it back out.

Okay, time to move. I gotta get home.

She stands up and tries to steady herself by leaning against the wall. After regaining her balance she pushes off the wall and carries on, blending in with the crowds of people bustling around the night's busy sidewalk.

It took her over thirty minutes later and another puking session to make it to her apartment. She's sobered up some but still nearly falls on her face as she comes into the house, tripping on the door frame. She takes her boots off walks over to the corner of her living room and picks up her guitar. She plays random songs getting lost in the melody before she passes out on the couch.

"Argh... what the hell?". She looks around confused as she wakes up. She realizes she somehow ended up in her bed rather than the couch where she had blacked out.

I never should of never taken that mystery drink from Sea Hawk.

Her voice was groggy and raspy as she muttered to herself. "Stupid your major warning should've of been that he was the one who made it." She chastises herself.

She leaves her room and goes to the bathroom. Preparing to take a shower. "Family recipe my ass. 'Good old Auntie Roberta' he said," she talks to herself making sure her water temperature is right.

"How was I supposed to know that it wasn't his actual Aunt Roberta who came up with it?". She continues to mutter to herself as she gets undressed and enters the shower.

After she finishes showering she brushes her teeth and walks into her room to get dressed as steam pours out of her bathroom. She wears a simple white wife-beater with a red flannel shirt to go over it. She pairs it with faded blue jeans. They had rips on her knees from when she fell as she tried to run away from an angry glimmer...but that's a story for another time.

She let her long blonde hair stay down as she went to grab her wallet, keys, and phone. She stopped abruptly before she opened the door.

Oh shit, I forgot.

After realizing she forgot something important she walked into her kitchen. She reaches into the very back of her cabinet and searches for something.

"Ah! Almost forgot about you." She says as she pulls out her wallet taking out her flask. "After that death wish last night, I might need to take it easy." She says while shuddering at the memory of the part after she drank Sea Hawk's concoction. "Don't wanna hear Glimmer nagging me on today so...." She trails off as she grabs a bottle.

She pauses as she scans the label. "Whiskey!" she exclaims. She starts to open it before she stops. Thinking to herself she sighs.

"If I'm gonna be hangin' with Glimmer and Bow I've gotta take it easy." She nods to herself.

The Bonds Of Musicحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن