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Elara enters her dorm and stops right by the door as she catches her breath, climbing countless flight of stairs, reaching the top of the Slytherin tower. She knows she will never get used to it.

She was surprised to find it empty, dark. Their residence has never been vacant. Theo and Blaise has always been frequent visitors. Most of the time, they don't even bother going back to their own dorms as they usually end up sleeping over.

People frequently come up to their dorm to smoke muggle weed, supplied by none other than Theodore Alexander Nott. Nobody really knows where he gets them nor do they care. For them, getting high is the only thing that matters.

She was expecting Theo, Blaise or at the very least, Draco to be there. So she waited in the seating area for another half hour but the boys never came.

"I'm overthinking this. For all I know, they might've went to Hogsmead or they're off shagging somewhere." Elara thought to herself, walking into her room, grabbing a towel. "A shower wouldn't hurt, right?" she sighed, still worried as she walked to the bathroom.

Right as she opened the bathroom door, she heard unusual noises coming from the seating area.

"Hello?! Is anyone there?" she exclaimed, pointing her wand towards the seating area.


Elara quickly went into the bathroom and showered.

"I need to clear my mind. I'm starting to hear things. I think I'm going insane." she thought to herself.

After a solid 30 minute-shower, she slowly opened the bathroom door and looked around before walking back to her room.

There was nothing there.

"See? I am going insane." she thought.

Elara enters her room and took her towel off, walking slowly towards the mirror. She sighs as she eyes her own reflection, top to bottom. "Revelio" she mutters and she waves her wand around her body. The disgust and hatred she felt was slowly creeping up to her. "Fidelius" she quickly mutters; a concealment spell, as she once again waves her wand around her body. She quickly grabs her towel and wraps it around herself as she walks to her dresser, picking out her lingerie.

And there it was again.

"Who's there?!" she exclaimed, hearing falling objects and tiny footsteps. Internally panicking, she didn't even know where to point her wand.

Elara slowly walked closer to the door to see if anyone was there. She quickly turned around as she heard books falling off her dresser.

"Merlin... Feathers, it's just you." she sighed in relief. "Come here, boy!" she said, calling out to her pet ferret.

June 5th, 1991

"Happy birthday, my sweet girl." says Emerald as she holds Elara in her tight embrace.

"I can't believe you're thirteen already!" says Triton, as he places a brief peck on Elara's forehead. "Happy Birthday, Darling." he says, continuing his sentence.

"You're such a big girl now. And soon enough, you'll be attending Hogwarts. Just like your father and I. We're so proud of you, my love." says Emerald.

"Now hurry, make a wish Elara." says Triton.

Elara sat at the head of the mahogany dining table in their large dining room, with both her parents by her side. Infront of her, sat a huge vanilla buttercream birthday cake with thirteen candles lit on top of it.

"I wish for a pet!" she says aloud as she then immediately covers her mouth. "Oops, I don't think I was supposed to say that out loud." she says, continuing her sentence.

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