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"Jade?" Draco said, as he walks closer towards her.

"Madam Pomfrey! Elara is awake!" Theo exclaims, calling out to her.

The minute hand points at nine, indicating fifteen minutes before seven in the evening. Elara had awaken from her deep slumber, Madam Pomfrey had given her a sleeping draught as she was healing her wounds earlier that day.

"W-where am I?" Elara said, trying to get up. "Easy there, Miss Stardust." says Pomfrey as she helps her up.

Theo, Blaise and Draco were standing around her as she sat on the hospital bed.

"Boys?" What happened?" she queried. "Oh Gosh! Conor! Where is he?! Is he okay?" she continued. "You're seriously asking about that bloody piece of shit?" says Theo. "Theo..." Blaise said, stern. "No, but seriously, why are you even asking about him? He's the one that got you in this bloody mess in the first place." Theo huffed.

"Theo! She just woke up. Let's just be grateful that she actually did." Blaise exclaimed as he sat next to Elara.

Theo rolls his eyes as he then slumps on the foot of the hospital bed.

As she looks up, she saw Draco silently staring at her. Cold and expressionless.

"Hey, Madam Pomfrey. I'm no healer and all. But, why is there still a bruise on the side of Elara's neck? Didn't you do a full body healing on her?" Theo says as he shifts closer to Elara.

Her eyes widened, hoping Madam Pomfrey wouldn't actually say it.

"That wasn't caused by the collapse, love..." says Pomfrey.

Oh Merlin. Oh Merlin. Oh Merlin. Please no.

"I am a healer, yes. But every witch and wizard knows that 'injuries' or spells casted out of love or a bundle of 'strong' emotions are rather hard to cure or break. And I'm merely just a school healer, love." says Pomfrey.

Theo and Blaise's eyes widened.

"Elara Jade Stardust. Tell me right this second that you didn't just lose your virginity to that piece of shit, under the bloody bleachers." Theo questioned, eyes widened. "Theo..." Blaise said, stern. "I did not! We only kissed." Elara stuttered. "Yeah I'm having a hard time believing that it was only just a bloody kiss." Theo huffed. "Theo! Will you bloody stop!" Blaise exclaims. "It's none of your business though, Theo." she said, starting to get frustrated.

"Yeah, it is none of our bloody business." Draco says as he turns around to walk out the doors.

"What the fuck is your bloody problem? I have never cared about who any of you shag. I keep my bloody mouth shut and mind my own fucking business. What is your bloody problem? What? Am I not allowed to live my own bloody life? Am I not allowed to make my own choices? Am I not allowed to lose my fucking virginity to whoever I bloody want? Is that such an issue for you guys?" she exploded.


"I want you guys to leave." she said, upset.

"Ellie, I'm sor-" Theo said.

"Leave!" she exclaimed, once again. "I just want to be alone, right now." she continued.

The trio left the hospital wing without another word.

The minute hand points at eight, indicating forty minutes past seven in the evening.

"Miss Stardust, you are free to go now. I've examined you, top to bottom. Everything seems alright. Get enough rest and..." says Pomfrey. "And...?" Elara queried. "The uhh... Ummm... The love bite..." Pomfrey whispered. "You can apply some ice on it. I know it's the muggle way but, I thought you could give it a try." Pomfrey continued. "Thank you, Madam Pomfrey. I'll try it soon." she said as she got up to leave. "Hold on, Miss Stardust." says Pomfrey. "Yes, Madam Pomfrey?" she asked. "Do you have anyone accompanying you back to your dorm?" Pomfrey asks. "Uhh... I... Actually I don't." she said. "Well, I'm sorry, love. But I can't release you unless you are accompanied by someone." says Pomfrey.

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