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Summer, 1994

"You're seriously reading another Norman Vincent Peale book?" Draco huffed. "Yes... Yes I am. Do you have a bloody problem about it?" Elara asks, as she held her book down, looking at him, her head still resting on his lap as they were both in his bed. "What's so interesting about this specific muggle author, Jade?" Draco scoffed. "What's interesting about this specific muggle author is that he wrote a quote, which I completely fell in love with;- " Elara replied.

Shoot for the moon.
Even if you miss,
You'll land among the stars.

Norman Vincent Peale

"It's just a quote, Jade. What's so special about it?" Draco huffed. "Don't you get it, D?" Elara said. "Get what?" he asks.

The Blacks, The Morningstars, The Stardusts, they all have one thing in common.


Wizard and witches of the Black family are all named after constellations and stars; Draco, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Orion, Sirius.
As for the Morningstars, they are all named after stones; Emerald, Jade, Ruby, Jasper, Carnelian.
And as for the Stardusts, they are all named after moons; Triton, Elara, Atlas, Hyperion, Helene.

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars..." Draco recites repeatedly.

"You're the 'moon', and I am the 'stars'. Is that it?" Draco asks, almost figuring it all out. "Yes, Draco." Elara replied. "There are actually alternate versions of this specific quote. But no matter how different they are, they kind of bring up the same meaning; If you're aiming for something, even if you don't achieve it, you'll still end up somewhere better than when you first started.." Elara said, as she sat up from Draco's lap.

"But from the way I see it, the moon will always need her stars, shining brightly beside her. Even when they stray far away from eachother, they will always find their way back, lighting up the dark skies together. And no matter what, they will always be there for one another. That's how I feel about the moon and stars, D." Elara said, indicating that her words bare a different meaning, as her blue eyes met his.

For a moment, not a single thought pieced together behind those intimidating grey eyes. Draco was still figuring out what Elara was trying to tell him.

And then it hit him. He realized that she was trying to tell him how she felt about him.

It felt like a dream to him. He had fallen for her ever since they met in Ollivanders during first year. Her laugh, her smile, it was everything to him.

"Jade, are you trying to tell me that..." Draco asks, as he couldn't stop smiling. "If I'm being honest, that confession was pretty corny, don't you think? And coming from you...?" Draco sneered. "Give me some credit... Atleast I followed whatever the hell that quote meant. I made my move. So...? What now?" Elara huffed, rolling her eyes. "I have to admit, I'm flattered..." Draco sneered, arching his eyebrows. "Oh, just shut up and kiss me, D." Elara huffed, smiling back, interrupting Draco mid-sentence.

He leaned in closer to her and reached for a kiss. Elara let out a sharp breath, kissing him back.

They spent days together, whether it be at the Malfoy Manor or Stardusts'. They'd read together, practice on spells and potions, sneak into their parents' cellar to drink some of their fancy alcohol, paint.

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