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August 21st, 1994

"Good morning, Handsome..." Elara said, turning to face Draco, who was laying beside her in bed.

"Mmmmm... Good morning indeed..." Draco said, reaching in for a kiss. "I missed you..." he continued, wrapping his hands around her.

"We've been sleeping together for weeks now D, don't be so dramatic..." Elara huffed, giving Draco a brief peck on the nose.

"I don't care. I can be dramatic all I want, and you'd still let me fuck you mercilessly..." he sneered, eyes closed as he pulls her closer to him.

They spent the whole morning snuggling and enjoying eachother's company. They talked about the past, how they first met, how their years went in Hogwarts. They talked about the stupid things that Theo and Blaise did, always getting the four of them in trouble. It made her miss them. It was just her and Draco, together that summer.

Elara wanted to spend some time with both Theo and Blaise as well, but they were both on vacation.

Theo was away, gambling in Vegas with some Ilvermorny kids that he met during balls and auctions held by his father, over the years.

Blaise was touring around Europe with his mother, 'a breath of fresh air' she said, just a few months after her fifth husband died.

It wasn't long until school starts, they'll see eachother soon.

But the pair had to figure out how to tell them about their relationship. It would be weird, considering that they practically grew up together in Hogwarts.

They both know for a fact that Theo and Blaise would come up with countless jokes and snarky comments about them. But that didn't matter because they were both genuinely, deeply in love with one another.

August 23rd, 1994

The minute hand points at seven, indicating twenty five minutes to two in the morning.

Elara got up slowly, eyeing Draco, making sure he was sound asleep.

His platinum blonde hair, untamed, as he laid peacefully asleep on the right side of Elara's king sized-bed. His features visible to her through the faint moonlight shining from her tall windows as she left the curtains open.

She leaned in an placed a soft but deep kiss on his forehead, carefully, not waking him up.

She got off her bed and got changed, wearing a black leather jacket with a black shirt underneath, black skinny jeans and a pair of black leather ankle-length boots to match her outfit.

She walked out her room quietly, tiptoeing along the empty hallways, down the stairs and into the family room.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Elara?" Triton queried, grabbing ahold of her shoulders.

"Yes Father, I'm sure..." Elara sighed. "You really don't have to do this if you truly don't want to, Sweetheart." Emerald breathed, bags forming under her eyes.

"It's okay, really, Mother. If this is what I have to do to help, so be it. I want to help in any way I can. I know somehow, this is this reason why Great Grandmother Goldstein chose me to be the one that inherits her abilities. I have a purpose, a duty to fulfill. And I am not letting anyone down. Not now, not ever." Elara said, reassuring Emerald that she is making the right choice.

Elara stood in the fireplace of the family room as she grabbed a fistful of floo powder and faced both her parents.

"Riddle Manor" Elara said, as she threw the floo powder on the ground of the fireplace as green flames appear around her.

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