Day 6x0 - Five Nights

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Day 6x0 - Five Nights

"And thus the Fazbear 4 became the Fazbear 5."

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Artist: Arthuros

Song: Resisting Her Spell

Between the fights, the frights and the flights of last night none surprised you more than the Rep's forgiveness. He even allowed you to keep your job! Of course, you'd have to fix everything you and the 'purple squad' did but you didn't mind.

The rest of the party was a blur, mostly Bonnie catching up with the band members. You and the rep had a heart to heart as you explained to him exactly what had happened last night. He listened attentively, only interjecting when he needed to.

You found the Rep had predicted an outcome like this, even accurately guessing Bonnie would somehow cause these events. You originally thought the Rep as just some pencil pusher but apparently he had deep knowledge of the plex. Why he didn't inform you sooner you knew not.

Just prior to hiring you he had put in an insurance claim for a possible lockdown and burglary.

He was correct and the money was paid off. When the investors learned of the incident that had occurred as well as the temporary shutdown they were upset. Thanks to the Rep's insurance claim however, any money they would have lost was quickly recouped. Any qualms they had quickly vanished.

There was a reason he was in charge of the plex.

With how much the Rep apparently knew you decided to confide in him about the chip. You explained that it was what you thought was the incident's catalyst. He was interested but insisted you keep it. He mentioned something about 'certain people' wanting that chip more than anything. "The owners of the plex have had 'bad luck' with such technology. I'd rather have someone who'd do the right thing hold onto it." Is what he said. You weren't sure who he was referring to but assumed it to be some person buried in the plex's past or even someone currently working there.

He explained that Bonnie was an 'announcer' of sorts and that he could interface perfectly with the intercoms and broadcast 'announcements'. The Rep stated it was some program called "interface and control" and it was built into his person. He explained that he thought that was how most of the animatronic's got corrupted during the SB-9 incident. He stated not even Bonnie knew of that power. Based off what you had read about the incident it fit with the added luck that Freddy was glitched that night and avoided the control. It also made sense how Vanny was unable to command Bonnie. It was his own ability! Of course he was immune to such a thing.

"I would have liked to figure out exactly how he could interface alas, I am not a technical person." The Rep admitted.

As for the other animatronics not present you quickly found out the fates of your 'co-workers'.

The DJ was in need of repairs, the endos having dislocated two of his arms. Figuring that was enough to beat him they abandoned the fight and made for 3F, where you and Vanny were. Despite the damages, the DJ at least managed to de-commission several of the endos.

You later found out what exactly had happened in the daycare with Chica. Whether intentional or accidental a pile of garbage was dropped in front of her. For the rest of the night she had been forced in agony to stare the trash, unable to get to it. It was then that she emitted the distress signal, something she wasn't even aware she could do.

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