New Beginnings.

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Ugh. It's raining which never improves my mood. I'm on an old rattling bus to Ikebukuro, staring out of the window at the rain trying not to think about my father. Since he died my step mother (who is a complete witch) has legal power over me as I'm only 16. She's always hated me and somewhere along the way I started hating her too. I'd rather not think about how she's forcing me to stay in Ikebukuro just because she's leeching off this guy that lives there.

About an hour later I got off the bus and started wandering around with a map in my hands, I've never really read a map before so this was going great. The man my step mother is with has payed for a small apartment for me to live in alone, as they wanted "space". I tried asking a few people where my new apartment was but no one really stopped to even acknowledge me. I was soaked from the rain and still hadn't got any closer to finding where I was staying which was starting to panic me. I decided to take shelter in a sushi shop for the time being to see if I could figure something out on this now soggy map. I ordered the fatty tuna and sat down to stare at the map some more when a random guy in a back jacket came and sat next to me. I started getting anxious, thinking that I was probably going to be kidnapped or murdered before I even made it to my apartment.

"Shhh, pretend I'm with you for one minute!" His voice was low and quiet, he whipped off my beanie with suprising speed and shoved it on his head, pulling it close to his eyes to completely cover his raven black hair. He continued to yank off his jacket and shoved it under my bag. Feeling confused, I looked up to his face to see that he was smirking at me and felt my heart skip a beat all I quickly looked away.

"Is this a joke?" I asked him as he turned away from the door on his seat, towards me as if we were together.

"You're being really creepy." I went to retrieve my hat but was startled by a tall and muscular blonde guy in a bartender outfit who ran in and yelled,

"Is that stupid flea here?!" My eyes widened and I glanced to the guy next to me only to see he was eating my sushi. Really? He winked at me silently, giving me a cheeky smile. I think I must have blushed a little, since he wasn't bad looking an- this isn't the time to be thinking this [Name]!!

"Jerk." I mumbled, knowing that he'd probably hear me anyway. The tall blonde guy who had not found who he was looking for stormed out, leaving quiet in the shop.

The raven haired guy shoved my hat back on my ruined [h/c] hair and I sighed a little out of frustration.

"Thanks for the meal! You're new here are you? Tell me your name would you?"

I glared at him, not overly happy with how my day was going. Well he was kinda hot I had to admit and what's the worst that could happen anyway? Okay, lots of things. Bring it on.

"[Name], you?"

"Not saying!~ but this is where your going I believe." He pointed to a small building just across the street to here, the road name told me he was right, how did he know? I frowned at the map and looked back up only to see him gone. I has heard this place was gonna be weird but, *sigh* it may be interesting, over all my stress I felt a little excited as I thanked the sushi man and headed for my apartment.

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