My turn (NG) 🌸

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Your POV

I'm sick and tired of it. I know he's not a very romantic person but seriously. I have needs and I'm tired of having to take care of them myself. I've been planning the dates. Planning the trips.

Giving him affection and what do I get from him? Nothing, nothing at all. I want to be wooed and ravaged. This isn't what I signed up for in a relationship. I should have known better with his tough exterior and personality.

I don't want to leave him even though he has his moments. Maybe I should give him the treatment he gives me. Maybe that will bring out his real feelings for me.

Time skip

Enji's POV

What has been up with them. It's like I've done something wrong. Maybe I said something to upset them. They've been so distant. I guess I have no choice. I have to figure things out the hard way. I get to fatgum's agency.

Heading to his office torture. "Endeavor what are you doing here? Is something up?" He asks. "I need some advice and information unfortunately." I say. "I'd be happy to help." He says. "You and (Y/n) dated for awhile right?" I ask. "Yeah for four years." He says.

"Why exactly did you break up?" I ask. "It was distance. Our relationship was perfect but they had to go to America for awhile. We broke up because we were always busy. I haven't seen them in awhile...I miss them." He says. "Did they ever become distant with you as of feelings? Were they ever upset with you to the point where they barely talked to you?" I ask. "I don't think so. They only got upset once but they'd talk about why they were upset. It was the attention. One day I had a group of fans come up to me on a date I planned for awhile. They were upset because it was supposed to be our time together. They were always so excited about the dates and even little things I did. They did not hesitate to show me their appreciation whether it was just a kiss on the cheek or way way more than that." He says. (Got a little freaky with the blondie 😏) I feel like he's doing this on purpose.

"Why something up with them are they in danger or trouble?" He asks. "No they're fine thanks for the help." I say. I leave. So that's what it is. They want to feel as if they're loved by being romantic with me. I'm not so good with that but I guess I could try.

Time skip

I get home. They sit on the couch unamused reading a book. They don't even look up at me. Oh boy here goes.

Your POV

I don't pay attention to him. Just to see how he reacts. He sits next to me. I look at him. He seems confused and nervous. He kisses me gently but passionately. My heart beats fast.

I kiss him back. He pulls me in his lap and holds me. I wrap my arms around his neck. He nuzzles into my neck. "What's with the sudden affection?" I ask.

"I just missed you is all. You've been distant so I got nervous and confused. I even went to fat gum for advice. I understood what it was that made you distant and upset. I'm sorry for not doing the stuff you do. I'm not good at planning or being romantic. So I'm unsure what's okay and what's not." He says.

"Enji." I say. He looks at me. I kiss him passionately. "It's the thought that counts. I'm fine with anything as long as I'm with you. It could be cuddling on the couch or eating dinner together. As long as you talk to me and show me some kind of reaction. Show me that you love me in anyway." I say. "You feel like I don't love you?" He asks.

"Well yeah sometimes. It felt like we just share the same bed. Since I've noticed the lack of your show affection and emotion. It's made me sad. Like maybe I wasn't your type or you got tired of me." I say. "Please don't be sad. I love every part of you. You're every bit of my type. I could never get tired of you." He says. "I love you too." I say. He holds me. "Don't forget it or doubt it okay." He says. "Okay." I say.


(How'd I do. I don't think I've ever really done a no gender part. I may have done one before but I feel like it didn't come out right. Maybe because it was my first time. It feels odd doing they/them parts. Like it's not completely finished even though it's at the perfect length and ending. It also feels like walking on a tight rope. I don't want to fail because that would disappoint you and hurt me. So if there's something you feel is off or you have any suggestions it will be appreciated.)

Endeavor one shots & short stories part 2Where stories live. Discover now