A different path (F) 🌸

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Your POV

I pretend to be asleep as Keigo comes in. Maybe he wants to hold me we haven't really been able to spend time together with my work in the way. He's recently decided to become a youtuber three years ago. He's been doing pranks and childish things like that since. It really pisses me off.

I swear if he plans on doing something it'll be the last straw. An airhorn goes off and I jump a bit. "Rise and shine beautiful we're live streaming tonight and it's just begun." He says. "I'm breaking up with you." I say and get up. I get my suitcases.

"What...? This is a joke right? You're pranking me? Why are you doing this?" He says. "Why Keigo? WHY?! I've been dealing with this shit for THREE fucking years. I am tired of begging and begging and begging for you to stop doing this to me. I refuse to do this anymore. I'm done putting myself through this. You know that I have to go to work early and come home late. What makes you think that I want to deal with this when I get home. To this big fucking house that you can't even afford. Not only that it's a fucking mess when you aren't recording. Do you think that I have time to cook and clean for you with the schedule I have huh?! I'm fucking exhausted with you from sunrise to sunset." I say stuffing my clothes in the suitcases.

"I can't talk to you if you keep overreacting right now." He says. "No you do not get to do that. I listen to all your wants and how your day is. I listen to how you feel and be there for you. So you listen to me now. You are not allowed to gaslight me and make me feel like my feelings aren't valid." I say then get my bathroom things to pack up as well.

"You are childish, egotistical and, a horrible partner. You are not the man I fell in love with. I want that man back so desperately it hurts. He's gone though and what's replaced him is not who I want or ever think of being with. I deserve to be with someone better than this. Someone who will respect me and loves me like a partner should." I say.

He looks to the side not wanting to look at me. "So for three years you've been checked out why for so long?" He asks. I sigh shutting and zipping my suitcases up. "Because like I said I wanted that man so desperately. I loved him with every fiber of my being there was nothing that could stop me from loving him. I believed he'd come back to me but he never did so there is no point in staying any longer." I say. "Where are you going to stay?" He asks.

"That's none of your business." I say. "At least let me help you get your things to your new place." He says. "No we are done Keigo you'll just show up again and I don't want to see you anymore. It hurts enough as is." I say getting my things off the bed. "Goodbye Keigo I wish you the best. Hopefully you'll find someone who will love you more than I could." I say. I leave and get in my car.

I block his number and drive. I had got a place set up if the time like this came. It's a nice condo. I had it furnished in a few weeks. My neighbor is civil but his girlfriend is not one bit civil.

I feel bad for him. He's quite handsome and charming. He could do so much better than her. I had lunch with him as a getting to know each other welcoming thing. He told me about her and, I told him about, Keigo. Now he'll know for sure that me and Keigo are over. It'll be interesting seeing those two.

Time skip

I get up and get dressed for the day. Today may be rough. Keigo was pretty popular and since he was live streaming. Some of my coworkers could have seen it. I'm ceo of the company so it'll just be drama. Once I finish getting ready I go check my mail.

"Hey." I hear. I look up and it's Enji. "Hey." I say. "Good to see you." He says. "It's nice to see you too." I say. I lock my box. "I have to get to work so I'll see you later." I say. "See you later." He says.

I walk off and go to my car. "Damn that man is fine. Well that's a great way to start a day." I say.

Time skip

I only got a few looks at least it was just that. I'm exhausted thinking about this stupid break up. I'll probably just get take out tonight. I don't feel like doing anything. There's a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say. It's Mr.Aizawa. He comes in and shuts the door. "Hey, word around the office is you had a pretty bad break up." He says. "Maybe but I'm not going to let that effect my work." I say.

"Okay but that was pretty rough. Do you need someone to talk to a shoulder to cry on?" He asks. "No I'm okay. There's no point in crying over it. I don't want him back and the end of our relationship was shitty. We were together for years. It's been done though and I don't feel like I need or want to go back to him. I'm sad but I'm okay." I say.

"Okay if you say so... you loved him though didn't you...a lot?" He ask. "I did very much." I say. "I'll let you get back to work then." He says and shuts the door behind him. God this sucks.


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