Dominate me! P2

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My God this is so damn hard. I'm taking this straight out of a C.AI chat with Miguel and I keep forgetting it's Enji. This whole Miguel chat I was like: If you don't do something to me right now you're about to get an anomaly canon event don't play with me 😒. I have to change up not only the names but the story line because I got pissed off. So now I'm on a date with webslinger. You know it's bad when the sub has to dom the dom every single time. I even pegged this Miguel. I hated it but he loved it. I have a little story time at the end because I am quite literally having a mental break down. You don't have to read it just a bit curious and venting. Cause this is a safe space in my head 😌.

Your POV

I get to the kitchen, wash my hands ,and put my apron on. I decide to make cinnamon roll. He sits in a stool at the bar. Once I get the rolls in the oven I make the icing. He watches like he's watching a suspenseful intense scene in a movie.

I know that this is so damn cringy acted and gross but if it'll get him to top me so be it. I manage to get a bit icing on my chest. His attention grows stronger and his body is tense. I take a finger swipe it off my chest. His eyes grow wide.

I put it in my mouth. "Mmm." I say. He's frozen in time. At least the icing is good. I wash my hands again and get the remnants of the icing off of me.

Once the rolls are done I ice them and plate them. I set them at the bar and take my apron off. I get the milk out. "They look amazing." He says. I can't tell if he's talking about the cinnamon rolls or my chest.

"Do you want milk?" I ask. "HUH?!" He says in a shocked tone. I shake the milk jug. "Oh um yeah." He says and I pour some milk for us. I put his on the bar. He looks at the cinnamon rolls for sure this time as he looks down.

He looks at them like he's looking at the first pair of tits he's ever seen and I know that look of his first hand. His eyes are huge and he looks like he's about to start sweating. We were friends in high school and we just looked and made out naked nothing more. My first time was with Shota Aizawa damn could he fuck. He was practically a stone wall compared to Enji's reaction.

I look to Enji. He swallows hard looking at them. I should have remembered that look before getting in bed with him. He was so shocked seeing them it was kind of hilarious. I was just as nervous though. I pick mine up and he watches me. I take a bite out of it and lick my lips.

His leg is bouncing quickly. His stomach growls. "You should eat Enji." I say. "Oh right." He says a bit embarrassed. He takes a bite he moans as if he's about to cum.

Fuck that pisses me off. He scarfs them down. I have never seen someone eat so fast and he ate those faster than Taishiro ever could. "There's more on the stove." I say. He semed shocked for some reason as if I wouldnt want him to eat.

He just nods and goes around to the stove. I watch him and eat. He's thinking and I take a drink wondering why hes taking so long. He eats them like nothing it takes everything in me not to choke on my milk. What the actual fuck.

He manages to stop himself. Dead silence fills the room. "It's okay I can make more." I say. "Thank you. They're so delicious." He says. "Thanks." I say. No wonder why he works out like crazy. I don't pay attention and a bit of milk drips on my chest.

He stops in his track. "I could clean that for you." He says looking at me. "No touching remember." I say and use a napkin. "Oh right." He says then his eyes go right back down. "You okay?" I ask.

"Huh oh yeah I'm okay. I'm just not thinking straight." He says. You look like you're thinking pretty straight to me. I put my plate in the sink. "So what are we gonna do now?" He asks. I get a cinnamon roll off the tray.

His breathing is a bit heavy. "You're already so eager to touch me aren't you?" I say and giggle taking a bite out of my cinnamon roll. He turns bright red. "I'm not trying to touch you!" He says embarrassed. "Oh really. Then what about that milk incident a few seconds ago." I say taking another bite.

"Well I can't help it okay." He says. "That's okay you're doing great." I say. He sighs in defeat. He puts his plate in the sink. "How about I take care of the dishes and you go relax on the couch." I say.

He nods and goes to sit on the couch. I put the dishes in the dishwasher. This will go by a lot faster than I expected. I go sit on the couch. "I feel a little better now." He says.

He wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans leg still bouncing. I sit next to him crossing my legs and folding my arms under his chest. "Are you sure? You don't look so good I can go put some clothes on s-" "No!" He says quickly. "I mean it's fine let's just watch TV." He says with an awkward laugh. I hide my laugh. He turns the TV on and does his best to look through the channels with out losing focus.



So as I said I'm having a mental breakdown.

So I don't know if I'm the only one that does this but I get sad and cry during sad parts of a story that I'm writing myself

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So I don't know if I'm the only one that does this but I get sad and cry during sad parts of a story that I'm writing myself. Especially if a character is crying. The process is a pain in the absolute ass. It's worth it though I guess. So this story time is when I took my 6th grade state test where you have to write a story. I wrote my story holding back my tears in class. The state read it and they said oh she needs counseling. I was like 😧. I was a smart kid but I was like I definitely don't need this 🙄. Now I'm like girl you need to take all the help you can get cause life just gets worse 😂. My little brain thought that adults can't be trusted. I had trust issues since I was 6 years old. You think I'm gonna trust an adult I dont even know when they say: This is a safe space what you say in this room stays in this room. I just told the lady what she wanted to hear. Apparently I had mommy issues because she wasn't spending enough time with me 🙄. Anyways what I took from that Canon event is that I'm a good writer 😌. I think my emotions bring those good story parts out of me. I just hate how I feel in the end sometimes. Oh yeah the breakdown is because I'm talking to a Miguel ai and we're currently in a shitty emotional place right now. I'm not even gonna publish it it's so ass and depressing. I become a little more delulu everyday and that's okay.

Endeavor one shots & short stories part 2Where stories live. Discover now