Not fair

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Your POV

It's hard being divorced from a don. He has so much influence and power that I can't find anyone. When I do they "some how" go missing. I'm tired of it so fucking tired of it.

I pull up to the mansion. "(Y/n) what are you doing here?" Keigo asks. "I'm here to have a word with my ex husband." I say going to move passed him but he stops me. "He has company right now." He says. "I couldn't give a single fuck who his company is. Move out of the way or I'll move you and we both know you don't want that." I say. He steps to the side.

I go up to the mansion the guards at the door look surprised but don't bother. I slam the doors open. "OH HONEY I'M HOME!!!" I shout. "Shit!" I hear him say from upstairs. I stomp up the stairs.

I slam his office doors open and all of his coworkers look at me. "You've got some nerve!" I say. He covers my mouth. "I think that'll be all for the day." He says to them and they leave. I bite his hand and he sighs.

"What's the problem?" He says and let's go. "You know damn well what the problem is. It's hard enough trying find someone new but then here you go topping it off by killing every single one." I say. "I don't know what you're talking about." He says and goes to his mini bar. "Enji don't start this shit with me. You wanted the divorce. You wanted me out of this house no communication what so ever. Yet here we are." I say. He just pours himself a drink.

I sigh. "It's not fair Enji. You get to have lover after lover but I can't have a single one. How do you expect me to move on when there's no one to move to?" I say. He takes a swig. "I don't want you to be anyone else's." He says. "So I have to suffer for that. For something I didn't want to go through in the first place." I say.

He sits his drink down and doesn't face me. "I fucked up." He says. "Oh really the great and powerful Enji Todorki has fucked up for once." I say and roll my eyes. "I can't stand seeing you look at someone the way you use to look at me." He says. I just stare at him. "It makes me sick. I can have lover after lover but it's not the same. It just doesn't match up or come close. The littlest fucking thing, a look can you believe that. You looking into someones eyes and staring at them like they're your world when you're mine. I'm suppose to be your world me." He says.

"It kills me thinking that they can make you happy when I did. I could do a thousand times better at making you happy. Give you the world anything your heart desires. I use to make you smile and laugh. That was something I looked forward to every day. Staring into your eyes was something I did every day and night yet somehow I took it for granted." He says.

He turns to look at me. "That's the look, it's what I miss everyday." He says then takes another drink. I go up to him and take his drink. I take a sip then put it down. He caresses my cheek.

I grab his tie and pull him down into a kiss. He gladly accepts and puts his hands on my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck. I need more of him. More than I ever have.

Some how my anger just melted all away. He picks me up and puts me on his desk. I don't want to yell, scream or fight him. I just want him. I want to feel,see,hear,taste him.

I want him in every way possible. We let go for air. He puts his forehead to mine. "Fuck." He says as we catch our breath. We catch our breath.

"Stay with me please don't leave. Not right now at least." He says. "I will. I don't want to not again." I say. "I'll have your stuff packed up and we'll live together again." He says. "Promise you won't push me away again ever." I say. "I promise." He says then kisses my neck. He gets in between my legs and holds me close.

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