Before Light - Remastered - chapter 5

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Like the day they first met, searching the scent, tracing his wake, the small creature followed the smell it remembered that had been its compass. This weak unique scent led it some days before to the large emerald-armored being who took it on his shoulders, across various dry lands until they finally set foot on chilling smooth glassy surface, surrounded by all sorts of complicating fragrances of meat and smoke, that befuddled its senses, having it lose the scent of its tall emerald armored companion, and strayed away to where numerous legs step and kick around playfully, yet carelessly.

Exhaustedly dodging the feet that noticed it not, the fluffy creature frantically scampered around the slippery floor, looking for places to hide, and focusing all its talents on relocating the special scent of its partner, to no avail.

The wolf cub, struck by hunger and confusion, sat under the large shade of a divan and whined helplessly.

Unaware of the pair of wide curious eyes staring at its back.

" PUPPY!!!" A sharp squeal of delight pierced the creature's keen hearing as ruthless arms wrapped around its neck, dragging the critter with violent force up high, dangling its hind legs in the air.

The tiny critter panicked as it wobbled with its short paws, trying to escape the tight grasp to no avail, feeling the back of its head rubbed against warm hairless skin.

Neliya, Feira, Lucky, and the other girls chatting nearby heard the elated squeal and helpless moans and saw with surprise an unexpected creature in one of the little girl's arms.

Lucky panicked at the sight of the beast in the infant's arms.

" Momo! Drop that! It's a Demon!!"

All the children spun around at the mention of the word.

" Demon?!" The children huddled together, spooked.

" Demon?!" Reina drew out her photon arm pistol which materialized around her wrist, nearly knocking Seito's drink over.

Yuri however was trying her best to retrieve the golden marble fallen out of Lima's locket on the floor at that moment, having no leisure to join their trepidation.

Reina made her way forth to the gathered children and looked down.

" That's no Demon!" Seito the Mighty laughed at all the terrified children, amused by the false alarm.

" That be my friend's companion, The Dog! Such a funny name!"

" Seriously, you call it The dog?" Reina questioned the distasteful naming, putting her photon pistol away. " It looks more like a wolf to me. But...aren't they supposed to be..."

" Whatever it is, at least it doesn't bite. Besides, it's my cohort Vitas' creature, not mine." Seito shrugged.

As the other children resumed their feasting, the girls sat around the one holding the wolf cub most cheerfully, the youngest of the children among the pack, a little girl by the name of Momo, of short blond hair and pink round eyes, who just won't let go of the poor animal.

" it really not a Demon?!" Lucky, the girl with the red hair and crown asked agitatedly.

" I don't like how sharp its teeth are..."

" It's a canine. According to Sensei's book here." Neliya then proceeds to read out the definitions on the page of the thick volume, but young cheerful Momo wasn't listening. She just wants to hug the animal, caressing its soothing soft fur as long as her little arms could carry, even bringing the critter all the way back to the bedding rooms long after the barbeque party's ended, hugging the wolf cub close as she slept with sweet dreams of joy.

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