Before Light - Remastered - chapter 17

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(Note: There are two new images in this chapter, see if you could find them.

Art source: )


—Hours Before Caesar Skyman's ascension—

Trudging down the smooth marble steps of the clean brightly lit foyer leading out of his quarters, Sir Delprim Jargo, Captain of the Delfalak airship, stopped before the gates of his porch, his bald head reflecting the morning hue as he stood face to face with two figures standing outside his humble estate, their silhouettes cloaked under the dim shade cast by the newly risen sun beaming through the tall obelisk skyscrapers lined across the horizon of splendid Skyworld.

" This truly is a queer hour to ask for audience, dare I say...Captain Bradson?"

Hastily awoken from his beauty sleep, Delprim Jargo still managed to get off bed, despite the rough night before of him being kicked out of the Grand Gathering. Dressing in his usual distinguished attire, Jargo prided much of his status as Master of the fleets under Sky, a title bestowed upon him by the Skylord way back after the battle against the first Scourge of Demon years before.

A remarkable rank that was rumored to have been Captain Bradson's, if he had not refused the Skylord's offer.

Thus was the root of his competing notions against this Bradson Captain, who seemed always to be the better man despite Jargo's unrelenting ego to stay lesser.

But this meeting of dawn had started with a different note, one that seemed to be in Delprim Jargo's favor.

Darrovid, Jargo's close Starbreaker aide was already settled on the side of his porch, clad in full dark silver Starbreaker armor as always, watching the two unexpected visitors through the runed visor that never once was deactivated to expose the illusive face inside the helm.

" What can I do for you two, Captain?" Delprim Jargo inquired, his palm upon the lock of his fence, not yet unlatching.

" Or should we adjourn indoors?"

" I recommend a place without ears nor eyes." Captain Bradson replied, motioning for Delprim Jargo to follow him. The other captain, blond of long hair, handsome and young of excellent features nodded in agreement.

" Out of the Skylord's scrutiny."

Delprim Jargo sensed an ominous plot at play.

" What is this? Are you attempting to lure me somewhere to be involved in your fowl deeds?" Jargo wasn't a man to easily trust others.

" I am not leaving my porch unless any of you come clean and elaborate on your silly act!"

Without a word, Bradson produced his beam pistol in protest and fired in Delprim Jargo's direction.

Darrovid the Starbreaker aide remained calm, instead of dashing forth and apprehending Bradson before his shocking action, for he knew by the way the old captain pointed his weapon, he was not after his master, Jargo.

A muffled whiz rattled before a crash of metal and fire sounded near the rooftop of Delprim Jargo's abode, then seconds later, a punctured droid dropped down with heavy momentum, lying in the center of the stately porch.

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