Before Light - Remastered - chapter 8

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Most airships that now remained in the skies, roaming above the lands to secure order and repel Demon kind, sought equipment, food supplies, and fuel from the Capital far away. But not the Betelgeuse. Seeking to escape the Capital and the Lord of the Sky's scrutiny, the crew of the Betelgeuse had to scavenge and pick up any form of support left behind in the ruins of the forgone. Yet under grave circumstances, need often outweighs recovery, posing the whole ship in a precarious state and adding stress mostly onto the overly resourceful captain who had managed to lead his crew as far as possible across the cruel wilderness.

As Bradson Captain checked the map depicting the lands eons before, he made the onerous decision to dock his ship above a designated location thousand miles away, about 12 hours distance. There promised to be a city, Bradson double-checked dozens of maps he stored of the ages passed, mayhap there are resources stored that could sustain our travels, Bradson hoped, though his heart sided with his pessimistic belief, the place still worth a look.

Fuel is not the only thing that is coming up short.

" Captain...! Vitas...he—"

" Dial up the inhalator." Bradson gravely gave out the order, not needing Reina to tell him what was happening at the infirmary.

" How many doses have we left?"

" Not much," Reina replied dismally. " He is becoming more resistant to the anesthetics we infuse. If he wakes—"

" Fortify the infirmary." The captain decided without sentiment. " Make sure the Androids secure the restraints."

Though inhumane a way it was, Reina had no choice but to accept.

" One more thing." Captain Bradson added before Reina went to carry out the order.

" Keep Yuri as far away as possible, for now."

" ...understood." Reina nodded after a momentary silence, marching her way forth to the infirmary, where numerous androids filed in and out busily, performing all the tasks they were programmed to keep the struggling darkening figure anesthetized in his strapped bed.

To no avail.

Fighting back his bursting rampaging self, Vitas tried to take back control, only to realize he was on the verge of failing.



The first generation of Starbreakers, elites that survived the first scourge that nearly wiped out the Capital of the skies, defending Light-Hearted kind and banishing most if not all of the Archdemons up to the north, behind a wall secured with Demon-proof Lights, were the ones that trained Firren and most common Starbreakers that marked the second generation. With the skills of the first few remarkable Starbeaker generals of Light passed down to him, added with the experiences on the field, Firren had in his light blood and bones the abilities of war, and also to train the generations after him.

Now that he sees, with the eyes that had witnessed countless marvels and hardship, that though his apprentice may immerse herself arduously in high-level battle simulations far off her reach, her mentality is not ready and her focus scattering.

" Alright. That's enough." Firren relieved the virtual simulations of the assaulting Demons that had just claimed victory in the simulation and came to the exhausted girl, sitting in defeat, panting exasperatingly.

" I...I can still—"

Yuri protested, standing up with trembling numbed legs, supporting herself with her newly repaired weapon when suddenly a blurred shadow dashed from the right, aiming at her throat.

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