Before Light Rematered - chapter 18 - part 2

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Part II







Felling a Taurus Demon after a flurrying blade rush, Lima dodged cleanly to the side, right before the sharp spiked metallic tail of Archdemon Vengeance swinging vehemently across the air, slicing many of its fellow Demon cohorts instead.

Again, the Canine Demon lordress pounced, sinking energy claws upon ice, missing the leaping Lima with wings of power.

But as successful as Lima evaded the attacks, there seemed no possible way now to break the Archdemon's stance, not to mention cracking its metallic hide. All that Lima did had not even left a scratch upon the Demon's skin.

She needs to breakthrough, a strike like none other to penetrate the standstill—

" Hearken, Lima!!" The blue glowing wings cried out that very moment in grave urgence.

" Enemy incoming from beneath...!!"

Scouring the icy floor, Lima watched intensely.

Toward, the glacier before them darkened from hither, spreading high speed to thither..

Something Huge was underneath. Moving. Fast.

The icy floor shuddered with grave vehemence that grew to a massive quake as Lima expected the Giant Canine Demon to have conjured more Dark Soul beams from beneath the glacier arena somehow, but lo, Lima was wrong.

It was something else, causing such shivering through the cold solid earth.

An ominous buzzing, frantically drilling, spinning, coming closer from in front of her—

—And Lo from the boreal mist before Lima and Elza wolf cub, a scaled burning wheel of spikes and tentacles rode out from the yonder, its circular body towering to the clouds and its shadow casting across the whole glacier field, screeching and fuming with Demonic pus as the vehicle-like being slammed its sole gigantic roller-shaped form onto the ice, twisting and spinning like a sentient wheel of doom and chaos, writhing its bloody flagella and thin grotesque arms at all directions as if in craving need of something, someone.

Lima trembled back to a stunned sitting as the mammoth wheel of Demonry turned slowly sideways, facing Lima with its side where one red dominating bleeding eye the size of its whole axis stared down with glee, with perversion, with yearning, with Want.

And it spoke.

" ...Chosen...Want...!!!!"

A chill snaked down Lima's spine the moment the circular Demonry's voice reached her ears.

It was like a thousand innocent weeping children begging, gurgling, drowning within its bloody spinning insides.

" Want...Chosen...One...!!!! Bring...Chosen One...!!!!!"

Stand up, Lima ! Rise from your Fear !

Like a surging force of warmth, like magnetic fields pushing against the icy floor, ethereal hands in the form of mighty blue wings and energy blades pulled Lima up to her feet, escorting both Lima and the unconscious Yuri away from the imminent fatality that is the Demon wheel, which wasted no time to seek what it came for as it dodged and turned, crushing even its own demon kind in seek of Yuri through its maddened Want.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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