Before Light - Remastered - Chapter 11

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Author's note: A new theme is made for Before Light - Remastered, now on Youtube. Feel free to have a listen while reading, cheers! Youtube URL:


Standing up high on the wings of the Betelgeuse, unswayed by the raging winds and snow, ash and debris of Demon smog, Starbreaker General of the Skyworld capital Solo watched the lands beneath cloaked in dark, teeming with unsavory Demon kind, scanning the fierce forces gathered at the North Line with his red mechanic eyes.

" Demons have flocked around the main gates, my Lord." Solo reported back through his Starbreaker visor gravely.

" More than thousands of them down there, ranged from Grades A to E. Also a couple of Dark Unervas, with One Archdemon visible."

" ...I see..." The muffled voice of a man replied, illusive and devoid of emotion, calm and distant, brooding and contempt.

" That will not be a major problem for you...will it, General?"

" I must admit, it might be a challenge." Solo candidly replied.

" But as soon as I get my hands on the Asset, the tide will turn in our favor."

" ...Good..." The Lord on the other side mused in satisfaction.

" Get the Weapon...and bring Yuri to me...Along with the Demon that has grasped her memory...Bring them all back to me. My eyes are everywhere...General."

" Understood." Solo nodded as the conversation came to an end. The General knelt lower, brooding on the way to accomplish his mission in the most effective route.

Now that Seito is on our side again, without the memories and reasons to go rogue, He can hold the frontline while I charge in and get the Asset...The problem is to get it before the Demons break the North Line...!

With most of the higher-graded, vicious Demons of the first Scourge kept on the other side of the imposing mountain gates of snow, the Dark Unervas must be planning to unleash the swarm that once nearly conquered the Capital and plunge the world back into Darkness.

But they can't easily achieve that goal for what is located deep under the North Line walls, the one Legendary Weaponry dating back to the age before civilization's fall, The Great Fall, that was buried deep under the snow for eons after the Great Fallen War, still capable of repelling Demon kind with its radioactive Light waves even under towering feet of snow.

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