Before Light - Remastered - chapter 12

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Turritopsis dohrnii / immortal jellyfish

→ found in the Mediterranean Sea

And in the waters of Japan.

※ Through reversing its body cells to a younger state—the polyp stage, over and over again......... The key: Transdifferentiation

......(Stem cells).....

" Cas, I found it."

Standing up from the bricks and broken furniture, he brushed the dust gently off the cover of a dark blue leather notebook, gazing at it with relief and awe.

" Found what ?"

A hoarse voice called out from outside of the room coming from under, the old man's rough coughing seemed to vibrate the dust off the floor.

" My notes !"

The young man called back, flipping over the fragile pages excitedly, without looking up for his companion.

........※ Infra-Sound......

" Cas! It's all here! My researches...My works !"

Infra-Sound :

sometimes referred to as low-frequency sound, sound lower in frequency than 20HZ.

→ Hearing becomes less sensitive as frequent lowers, so............. Possible to feel Infra-Sound vibrations through various parts of the body.

He flipped quickly as the familiar handwriting flashed across, words he knew and read for years popping out as if they floated out of the passing papers before his eyes.

" Cas! You must see this! Cas !"

The young man finally looked up from his own notebook, eager to share his precious findings with his companion downstairs.

Yet, no answer.

But Silence filled the wreaked room he now stood amongst, cloaked under thick grey dust and mold, furniture tumbled and bashed open, insides spread across, a circle of chaos surrounding him, paused at its most violent moment, sealed out of time forever left in a state of anarchy.


He stood, his gaze panning from the innermost ruins of his old abode, clockwise, traversing his sight across the wallpapers, newspaper cutouts, and equations of importance in his profession, all torn and rotten, like scratch through by vicious beastly claws, leaving deep apertures within the brick walls.

" Cas...?"

The young man lowered his voice immediately, slowly lowering his body as his vision slides slowly to the doorway behind him, checking his surroundings vigilantly for any signs of unnatural movement.

There came a small snap outside his room at the end of the hallway to the right, then constant clicking, paddling, and silence.

From what he heard, the young man surmised the eerie clicking sound came from his old lab now storage room to the right next to the flight of stairs where he used to pile his equipment, broken lab tools too expensive to discard, and of course,

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