Chapter 1

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TW- If your not comfortable reading this i recommend that you DO NOT watch this.Abusive scenes in this book so im gonna warn you now because there will be abuse in almost every chapter. Theres also swearing and violence and screaming.

Yn Pov

"Yn get your ass up and out of bed!!!". I rolled over on my back and just when I'm about to get up my au-Lucy, burst threw the door and the next thing i know im being thrown on the floor and kicked in the ribs. She grabbed my hair lifted me from the ground and punched me in the jaw."I told you to get up so weren't you up!!!"." I'm s-sorry a-aunt l-Lucy". "You better be you little shit"then she walked out of the room and slammed the door. I got up and put on my black long sleeve shirt a hoodie( also black ) and n baggy black jean.

I got my back threw it over my shoulder and basically ran threw the front door. It was currently 7:15 and school started at 7:45. Our house is 30 mins away from school and i still need to get my books from my locker. When i got there it was 7:44. I ran to my locker got my books and ran to AP chemistry when i got neer the class the bell rang and the door shut right in my face.

I entered and the teachers said" Nice of you to join us today Yn" i then said " Yes it is nice to join you guys" and went to my seat in the back of the class and got my books out. I never listened in class i just did doodles. After a cruel hour of class i went to my next class.

Time skip till lunch

I went to sit next to Alex before Cindy comes a give me more bruises. Hey Alex."Hey Yn hows your day."my days fine and you?" Same."Alex then asked if i want some of his lunch but i denied. The bell rang i got up and went to my next class witch was  AP physics. I went in and walked to the back to my desk, sat and took out my books. The second bell rang and kids came storming in the class. Mr. Clarkson came in and handed out a pop-quiz. 

10 minutes later

I got up and went to mr Clarkson so he could mark it." Hi Yn, are you done already?"yeah mr Clarkson."That was fast yn"he took my test and marked it." Yn you know you got full marks." I shook my head no."Well done"thank you sir. I walked to my desk and for the rest of the period i drew doodles in my book.

After school

i went to the bathroom and when I got out I came face to face with Cindy/ My bullie."Well well well look who the cat dragged in"i gulped and took n step back every step i took back she took one forward until i hit the wall and she punched me in the gut again again and again till i layed on the floor. If i didn't have a broken rib i do now.After about 5 minutes i got up and met up with Alex outside school where i told him to wait.When i got outside Alex called for me to come over so i did and asked me why i took so long. I told him that i went to the bathroom.

He walked with me till the shit hole that im suppose to call my home. I went to the door hesitant to go because i know whats waiting for me on the other side of it. With that I opened the door infront of me stood a very drunk and angry Lucy.Where have you been!!!"Sorry im late aunt Lucy but I had school to go to."DID I TELL YOU YOU COULD GO!!!"No im sorry it wont happen again. The next thing i know she smashes a beer bottle over my head and kicks me in the ribs that made me yelp and she started to punch me and said " DID I SAY YOU COULD YELP OR SCREAM!!!

N-no a-aunt L-Lucy"NOW WHY DID YOU!!! just then tears started to fall and roll down my cheek.Then she slapped me and said"Answer the damn question!!!"Then tears started to come down more and more and then she hits me with a beer bottle over the head and says"Your a disappointment,useless and worthless piece of shit and the reason my husband is dead you bitch"Then everything went black 

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter have a nice day or night

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