Part 10

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Tony pov

I then scream"BECAUSE" and stop to wich she screams "BECAUSE WHAT TONY" feelings over take and i scream.     " Be... BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU AND IM NOT JUST GONNA STAND HERE AND LISTEN TO HAPPY TELLING ME THAT YOUR GETTING BULLIED OK. SO YOU listen. To. Me. And tell me. Who did. This. AND. What. Happend. Do you. Understand.

She looks at me in fear to wich i make a confused face and she quickly nods. I start to get impatient while waiting for her to speak up and tell me what happened. After a moment she sighs and tells me what happened at school

I look at her in shock and ask her "Who did it" she looks at me and shake her head to indicating that she's not telling me. So i say impatiently and kinda angrily "im gonna ask this one more time and lord help me if you dont tell me im" and i breath out to calm myself.

"i c-cant t-tell you" so i ask" why. Not"and  she says "your going to go to the principal and that will only make things worse" "okay ill make a deal with you if you tell me i wont go to the principal, how about that" she nods her head to wich i smile and say "yeah you okay with that" and she smiles and says "i guess yeah"

"So tell me who did it" "umm" "Yn tell me who did it" "okay. It was flash and-" who the hell name's their kid flash and ask"is that his real name or a nickname" and she says"it's not his real name his real name is Eugene Thompson but they call him flash because he's apparently" the fastest" at school" to wich i roll my eyes

"okay who else" "And his goons" "who's his goons" she hesitates before telling me but says there name after a while" marcus gordon, Leo henderson and tom peterson"i ask her if  thats all" and she says "yep"

"okay see that wasn't so bad was it" i say with a playfulness to my voice and a playful look. She laughs 0and got back to work.

Just before she could though i asked her with confusion" what do you think your doing" and she says "im going back to work" she says pointing at the workbench "nuh uh nope your going to the medbay to get checked out kid" i say putting a hand on her shoulder and leading her to the door.

Just before we made it to the door though she ran back in to the workshop and hid behind the car. I play along and sneak behind the car and look over her shoulder and ask her" why are we hiding and what are we looking at"with a playfulness to my voice  she looked to her left and ran away while screaming "AAAAHHHH"

I chuckled and ran after her before i got an idea and sneaked behind her while she stopped to look over her shoulder to look for me.

She looked at the back of her and saw no one so she stopped and turned around and still saw no one. Just when she turned around again to see if im at the back of her i picked her up and through her over my shoulder and started to walk to the door to take her to get checked by bruce.

Then she said "nice ass" I laughed and walked through the door. She seemed to remembered where we're going because she suddenly started kicking and punching me to get out of my grip but it didn't work so she just serendered and went limp.

I chuckled and said" why did you run in the first place" and she said " Because i dont like doctors" i chuckled and said with sarcasm "oh come on its not that bad" she then whispered " yeah not when the last time you were in one you almost died" thinking i didnt hear her wich i did and frowned.

When we got to the medbay i put her down and she tried to run again wich lead to me picking her up again. I then put her down on the bed and said "Dont even think about running you know what will happen" so she said"yeah sure old man"and looked at me with a smirk"

I look at her in shock "did you just CALL. ME. OLD"she just called me old... OLD. My shock quickly turned into a mischievous grin.

Her smirk turned into a look of regret and i smirked

Yn pov

His shock quickly turned into a mischievous grin and i instantly regretted my words.

I looked at the door deciding if i should make a run for it but before i could i heard mr. Stark say"nope na ah no you arent going anywhere " i look at him and smile before making a run for it and book it out of there and to the elevator.

I hear mr. Stark running behind me and i pick up the pace and say" FRIDAY open the elevator, i run and press the close button. Just before mr. Stark rounds the corner the elevator closes and i wave to wich he huffs and runs to the elevator but doesn't make it in time.

I then tell FRIDAY " to the common room please" and FRIDAY say "yes miss Yln" "yn is fine" "yes yn" i chuckle and wait for the ding. I climb out and start looking for a place to hide. I run into the living room and see people sitting on the couch.

I run in and ask" can one of you help me hide" they all jump and turn to me. Black widow stands up and slowly walks to me while saying "how did you get in here" i back up and say" im one of tony's interns but he's currently chasing me because i told him he's old and that did not end good."

They laugh and black widow moves forward and says" Natasha but you can call me Nat" and i say "Yn Yln" she smiles and grabs my hand when suddenly we here the elevator, she rushes me over to her chair and sits me on her lap and through a blanket on us.

After a while we here mr. Stark say"where is she i know she's in here" i here nat stifle a laugh and i smile. " come on guys where is she this us serious" the nat says"i dont know what your talking about"


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