Chapter 3

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Yn Pov



suddenly i was pulled out of bed and kicked in the stomach. I looked up to see my aunt Lucy towering over me."i told you to get up you little shit!!!"i got up and i feel a sting on my back she hit me with a whip and i was on the floor again then she said"Take of your shirt"i took of my shirt then she took a knife and cut my back when she was done she left me there,after a few minutes i got up peeked threw the door and went to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and all my bruises. I clean them a get ready for school. I walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen."YN why arent you on your way to school it starts in 15 minutes.

I look at my watch and see its 7:30." Shit" I run to the door almost breaking it open and run to school. When I get there I look at my watch its 7:50."Shit shit shit"I run to my locker get my books and go to AP physics class and enter." YN your 10 minutes late"I'm sorry sir"Just go to your seat"so thats what i did i went to my seat and got out my book and supplies

."OK everyone put all your books were writing a test it doesn't count its just a test and you weren't suppose to learn so dont stress" He hands out the test and we start with it. The first 5 questions wasn't hard and then there was a few that i struggled with but i still got them and then the bell rang when i just answered my last question.I got up handed in my test and went to my other classes.


I went to lunch and sat next to Alex"Hey YN how you doing."Hey Alex im doing got" I then forced a smile so he doesn't notice that im not actually fine. "YN?" Yeah"Do you maybe wanna meat my friends Peter,Mj and Ned."Sure Alex i would love to"We then walked over to the table where they all sat and is sat next to Alex. he then said" Hey guys I want you to meet my friend YN"I gave them a small smile and waved and then all of them said "Hey YN its nice to meet you Alex always tells us about you"Alex then started to blush and i said" awww you talk about me" Then i giggled.

We all talked and laughed together then Peter said " Guys did you here theres a Stark-internship" and Alex said" YN you should sign up " and i said" Nope I already tried and they said there wasn't a stark-internship" then peter talked again an said" Well apparently the test we took was to find someone for the internship. Then my eyes-widened and when i was about to say something the bell rand and we went on with the day.


I got out of school put in my earphones and listened to SIK World.While i was walking someone grabbed me and dragged me down the alley when they dropped me i looked around and its no other then Cindy.She picked me up by my hair and punched me in the face multiple time and dropped me then she said"you useless peace of shit,no-one cares about you why do you even live then she kicked me and walked away.

After a few minutes i got up and walked home more dragged my body home while people were staring at me. When i got there my aunt was waiting for me and the door was open.I walked up the stairs and she suddenly grabbed me by the neck and started dragging me in the house and threw me on the floor. She then said " Where have you been you brat ,theres rules and you arent following it" She spits at me and i said something "I dont give a fuck about your rules its my life" the moment i said it regretted it ." What did you just say".

I-I didn't mean i p-promise" i begged. She slapped me in the face and kicked me over." This is what you get when you disobey me you shit!!!". She threw me down the stairs in the basement.  "Get up you little bitch" so do as im said to do. She got her whip, ripped of my clothes and started hit me with it and i couldn't help but let tears flow down my cheeks. When i turn around she grabbed my hair and whispered " Next time think before  you say something" in my ear and threw me in a freezer.

The freezer was my least favorite place in the house. It still had blood from the last time she threw me in here. I started sobbing myself to sleep.


I'm really sorry if im taking long for tony to jump in action but i promise he will be in the next chapter its also where they meet each other for the first time.




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