Part 7

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When we walk in to the living room i go and sit next to mr.Stark." So lets get this over with" he said." So this young lady over here got a stark internship" he nods his head at me and then smiles.

" oh really well thats suprising" my aunt says and smiles at me, obviously a fake one,Anyways. "Im so proud of you, yk i always urged her to sign up but this stubborn girly wouldnt" she says in the most fake voice i have ever heard.

" i just wanted to talk about her schedule" he says" oh thats fine" after about an hour or so they are done and were saying goodbye." Bye kiddo" " bye mr stark" " what did i say about calling me that" i look at him and he has a playfull glare on his face." Sorry, tony"

He smiles and waves goodbye before getting in his car. When he's car is out of site im being pulled up the stairs and thrown on the floor. I turn around and im met with a really hard kick in the face. She takes a fist of hair, pulls me and throws me down the stairs and continues kicking me.

After hours of torture she finally stops. For the next few minutes and replay what just happened and after a while i slip out of consciousness.

The rest of the weekend went by quick. fortunately. It was filled with torture and pain.

Its monday morning, when i open my eyes im met with my aunt lucy busy untying me. I blink a few times and finally understand whats going on.

She looks at ne one last time and walks up the stairs and closes the door. I stand up and i immediately fall down again. I lay there for a few minutes and do another attempt to stand up and when I do, i walk up the steps and through the door.

When i get to my room i look at the mirror and cringe at all the bruises she left. I jump in the shower, dry myself of and treat my injuries. Then i get dressed in a oversized black long sleeve shirt , a pair of baggy jeans, a oversized black hoodie and my black converse.

After that i put my hair in a messy bun and try my best to hide my bruises. I look at my self one last time and grab my things before i head out. While walking down the stairs i look at the time and its 7.30am. I have 15 minutes to get to school. I put my phone in my bag and start running.

On my way there i turn down a few alleyways and when im almost there i bump into someone. When i look up im met with a gang of people with identical uniforms. I quickly look over them and notice who they are by their weird logo they have on the side of their uniforms.

Its Hydra..

Dun Dun Dun
In this moment she knew, she fucked up
Anways hope you guys are enjoying the book so far this isnt much but its the best i could do i was a bit sick these past few days so i mostly slept, hope you guys enjoy byeeeeeeee.

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