Chapter 4

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Tony Pov

I was marking the test to see who gets the Stark internship when i came along someone whos names YN i couldn't believe my eyes she got 100% on the test. I mean no one have got that in a long time. Guess we have our new Stark intern. You know i dont think im gonna put her down there with all the amateurs so I'm gonna let her work with me. I got up from my chair picked up the tests and on my way to the kitchen i dropped the pack of at my office so i can finish it later.

I went to the kitchen after that and made dinner, welllll i tried. When I cleaned the mess I made and decided to just order a cheese burger because if you didnt get the hint making dinner didnt work out so good.Anyways after 20 loongg and miserable minutes the delivery guy knocked at the door. I got up from the couch and walked to the door.

I opened the door, grabbed the package and gave him 100$ and closed the door before he had the chance to say anything to me. I sat on the couch and thought about the new intern girl and what she'd be like maybe she's cut- I wad cut off by my lovely girlfriend saying" Tony have you seen my purse I cant find it" I looked up and saw she had a beatiful black tight dress on, my jaw dropped and pepper blushed.

I got up and asked her" Where you going" " To a restaurant with my friends" "Nope change of plans". Her eyebrows furrowed at what I said and I kissed her then picked her up and to her to my room, I threw her in the bed and climbed on top op her then I kissed her and went down to her neck when her moans filled my ears I smirked against her skin and went lower and you know what happened then.


I open my eyes and suddenly all the memories came rushing in and I started to panic and remember where Im currently at. The worst place in the house... The freezer. I started to panic even more because i couldnt feel anything. Then the door was thrown open and my Aunt Lucy was stood there with a huge smirk on her face.She picked me up and put me in a bath tub that stood in the corner of the basement for when i was locked in the freezer.

I was brought out of my thoughts when cold water hit my back. I wanted to scream but couldnt because I knew what would happen next and if i did it will be worse. After I was unfrozen she began to pick me up and suddenly I was thrown against the wall." Yeah you like that ,thats what happens when you fucking talk back you piece of sh!t
She picked up her taizor and i swear I saw a smile on her face when she saw my reaction. I began moving backwards when I bumped into... The wall.

A tear slipped my eye when suddenly I felt a shock go threw my whole body and I gritted my teeth to prevent me from screaming.on of on of for 7 minuted when finally she stopped and said" Get up you have school in 40 minutes" how she knows that I do not know.after 5 minutes I stood up and dragged myself to my room with the little strength i had left. I went to the bathroom showered, cleaned my wounds and put on some bandages. I went to my closet and put on a white button up shirt, a light blue hoodie, a pair of baggy grey sweatpants and my convers.

I got my backpack and looked at the time it was 7:25. I had 20 minutes to get there so I ran out the door and down the streets and when I got there it was 7:38 I had 7 minutes left. I looked up and was met with a black SUV infront of our school and thought Ive never seen this car before. I shrugged it off and went to my locker i got my books for AP Chemistry an AP engineering.

I walked to my class and when I walked in the door the first bell rang. As i went to my desk the kids began to fill the class. The second bell rang and the last of the kids filled in. The teacher came in and went to start class when their was an announcement over the com. "Can Yn Yln please come to the principals office" The class ooooh'd me and I rolled my eyes but realized what it said and my eyes went wide i began to get nervous.

I got up and went out the door I walked down the hall made a left the a right and walked straight. When i got there Mary the Secretary said " Hey you must be Yn you can go right in" then she smiled. I smiled back and waved, i walked into the office and immediately said " Im sorry i dont what i did but Im sorry " Yn" I-I ju-" I was cut off by princepal Evans saying " YN Your not in trouble" while chuckling. I looked up and I almost fainted when i saw Tony stark THE Ironman sitting in the chair infront of princepal Evans.

He chuckled and I felt like I was gonna faint Mr.stark wad smiling at me. I smilled nervously and waved." Yn take a seat" he knew my name. I hesitated before I sat down. I felt like I was gonna faint from the nerves. Suddenly Mr. Stark spoke up " Yn Im gonna just get to the point you got a totall of 100% on your test and that has never happened and I have been giving the same test to the same grade and not once has anyone gotten 100% on any of my tests"

I stared at him in shock...

To be continued
So that just happened
Hope your enjoying the story sofar

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