Part 13

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Tony Pov

why didn't she tell me? i actually felt...Hurt.

does she not trust me?Am i that bad of a person to be around?

Why do in even care.

After a moment of silence and me thinking, i ask her"Why didn't you tell me" she responds by saying " She said if anyone ever found out or if i tell someone she would kill me." I look at her with sympathy then it crosses my mind that she could have been killed and my eyes flash with anger

" Do you realize that you could have been killed, does that not cross your mind!" i see her eyes water and i instantly regret yelling at her.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to scream" i try to go near her but she flinches, i pull back and walk to the door.

yn pov

i see him walk to the door and then he stops. He goes to say something but chose not to and walked away. i quickly gather my things and look at the time.



im late like really late i rush to the elevator and go down to the garage. i ask happy to give me a lift and on our way there i get a message

Aunt Lucy

where are you you little slut

you better be here in the next 10 minutes 


8 minutes later we pull up at my "Home" i grab my things and run to the front door open it and when i turn around im met with a punch to the face. i drop all my things and fall to the ground. i look at her and she says" your late slut" the she kicks me in the face over and over again.

after a while she starts attacking my stomach and left for a while, few minutes later she comes back with a knife in her hand and starts cutting me everywhere my arms,legs,face,back and stomach. after hours of torture she finally leaves. I lay there and after a few minutes get up and go to my room.

well i try to but its more of a crawl, as i go into my room i reach for my phone and call my emergency contact which is Mr.Stark

ring ring

ring ri-

"hey kid why you-are you crying"  

" Mr.stark p-please help m-me"

*sniff sniff*

"hey hey whats wrong what happened"

*sniff sniff*" she did it again"

" Who did w-im on my way kid hang on "

i hear shuffling on the phone and the engine of a car starting.after a few minutes i fall and the room starts spinning.

"kid kid you there"

the last thing i hear before everything went black was mr. Stark asking whats happening.

tony pov


last thought i have on my mind was " i hope i make it in time"


sorry for not writing i have exams coming up and my phone recently broke

hope you enjoy:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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