Part 5

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I stared at him in shock...

"Funny joke haha"i said and laughed he must be joking right no way i got full marks. He looked at me, smirked and said" OH but Im not joking miss LN you did the best in the class."

" Thats impossible" i said and looked at my lap. He chuckled and said " Guess you underestimated yourself". So we talked a bit and got to know each other. What we didnt realize is that we talked for about 3 hours." Its getting late i should get you home" "Its getting late i should get home". We said on the same time. I looked at him and he was already looking at me. Then we bursted out laughing.

" Smart minds think alike" we said and chuckled." I should really be getting home" I said. He nodded and asked " Do you want a ride" I looked at him and nodded shyly.he rufled my hair and we walked to his car.

I got in and said hello to the driver, then mr. Stark said" Y/n this is Happy" the Happy said Hey Y/n.

suddenly he asked " are you hungry" i turned my head and shook it and just then my tummy made a growl, i looked down because i was embarrassed." You like cheese burgers" and i said " i never really eat out much so dont really know how it tastes"

He looks me in the eyes with a shocked expression and said " Well kid you are missing alot. Happy drive us to the nearest burger king" " Yes sir" Couple minutes later we are sitting in burger king. I kinda zoned off a little because next thing i know Mr stark is standing infront of me waving his hand in my face.

I jumped back like 3 feet and almost fell but 2 firm hands was wrapped around my arms. I looked up and saw 2 brown eyes looking at me in worry,i blinked a few times before saying " s-sorry m-mr stark i- i got lost in my thoughts" and scratched the back of my neck. He chuckled and ruffled my hair" Its fine kid and please call me Tony" i nodded my head and we headed for the car because i just now noticed that he wad carying the food in his hands.

We got in the car and Happy started the car, after that i looked out the window and zoned off again. I was brought out of my thoughts by mr. Stark saying" hey kid after were done eating we can take you home and i can talk to your aunt Lucy about the internship." I started to get scared because i havent told my aunt yet and who knows what she'll do after mr Stark is gone so i just nodded and took a bite out of my burger.

After about 5 minutes mr Stark asks " were do you live kiddo" " I live on y/s/a (your street adress)" he nods and tells Happy the adress. On our way their mr.Stark says " So kid what do you do in your free time" I think he was trying to make small talk." I like to draw , write, build ,gym and read" he nods and says " Could i see your drawings, not now but in the future or you to suprised that The Tony Stark wants to see it" with a smirk. I chuckle and say " I-I'll think a-about it"

He puts his hand on my back and i flinch and wince because thats exactly wheir my aunt hit me. I opened my eyes that i just now realized i closed and he looks at me confused and ask if im okay which i say " im fine " he nods and looks out the window. Next thing i know we arive at my house.

We get out and mr. Stark puts his arm around my shoulder, i try hard not to flinch and wince. We stand infront of the door and just when mr. Stark was about to knock the door swings open and...

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