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Sunghoon hated math. Hated it with the burning passion.

He also hated getting random headaches while in the class with the noisiest teacher known to man.

Sunghoon continued to draw random things and pictures in his book, only half paying attention to the class as his mind was occupied with literally anything and everything else in the world.

He looked down at the math sheet in front of him, his nose scrunching slightly in confusion.

Why did he have to suck at math?

He then proceeded to try to figure out the ones he sorta knew, hoping that with that it would magically make sense in his brain and he'd be able to get this sheet done without a teacher yelling at him for no reason.

He did pretty well, he managed to get an entire column of the formulas done and he understood them.

Sunghoon smiled to himself a little, he was proud that it was going well for him for once. Maybe the world was on his side today.

"Park Sunghoon are you even listening?!" The teacher snaps at him.

'Are you kidding me? It's not even 9:30am'

Sunghoon sighs. "No I'm not and I'm not going to if you're gonna keep yelling at 9am in the morning."

The teacher, hating being put in line only proves his point by shouting once more, angering Sunghoon's headache more.

Sunghoon silently packed his things up and left the classroom, deciding to go find a quiet place to hopefully soothe his nightmare of a headache.

As he walked out he didn't notice as another figure watched him leave the room, the same class and the same reason, every time.


Walking around the school he searched for the best place where no one could disturb him or catch him skipping class.

He walks around for another 5 minutes before he finds the best spot, not to sunny and not to cold. It would take teachers and students a while to get to the spot as well.

Not to mention it was quite a nice small pretty hideaway too.

Sunghoon plops his bag next to him and sighs once more, he's honestly regretting going to school.

He decided to go to a place where no one wanted to know him or even liked him instead of getting a good sleep at home.

He had no idea why everyone had a vendetta against him, at first he thought it was the classic old school hate but it was so much more. He just didn't understand why or what it was.

Sunghoon just wanted to get through school in peace with maybe a friend or two, maybe a partner if he was lucky.

Sunghoon shakes his head to try and get the thought out of his head, deciding to block out the thoughts with music. Looking through his bag he gets his headphones out and starts hearing music pay in his ears, the relief almost instant.

'Maybe I can rest a little while I'm up here..'

Sunghoon closes his eyes as the sound of the music rocked him to sleep.

As he was asleep, a brunette had found him sleeping soundly.

He looked so peaceful in his eyes.

He smiled and gave Sunghoon an extra hoodie to keep him warm in the cool morning weather.

"Sleep well Sunghoon.." he mumbled as he quickly walked away to not disturb his sleep any longer.


SUCKER PUNCH! - Jakehoon Where stories live. Discover now