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He had no idea how he managed to get into this position but here he was, being held up against a locker by no other than Park Jongseong.

The one person no one messes with has him pinned to a random locker with no one to see or help him.

'This is bullshit' he thought.

"Why are you doing this?" Sunghoon sighed. His nonchalant attitude only making Jay even more pissed.

"You do realise that no one here likes you right? So why are you trying so hard? It's embarrassing to hear people wanting to get to know you when all you are is some pathetic, poor bitch with no friends."

Sunghoon showed no expression to Jays harsh words, but that didn't mean that they didn't sting like a bitch.

He also had no idea why Jay was going off at him, what was also weird was how no one else was here to watch it go down.

Jay is a man of a show, he loves putting on a performance for everyone to see, no matter how cruel it was. Everyone still loved him not only for his riches but for how powerful he seemed to be.

Jay had it all. Friends everywhere, all the money you could imagine, a solid career already made for him, a loving boyfriend. Everyone either wanted to be with him or be him.

Meanwhile Sunghoon was just some guy.

Knowing this only made his words hurt even more, along with the fact that he wouldn't really be able to stand up against him in a physical confrontation as he'd never win even though he was fully capable of knocking him out. Jay's aura only showed anger and violence towards him.

"If I'm so lame and stupid then why are you even bothering me? Isn't that too much peasant work for you Mr Park??"

Sunghoon's words only made Jay more furious. Letting go of Sunghoon's shirt he throws a punch towards him instead.

Sunghoon winced at the contact already feeling his skin burning a hot red mark onto his face.

Sunghoon's about to retaliate when they're stopped by two people intervening. One pulling Jay away from him meanwhile another yells at him for it.

"What the fuck is your problem Jay?! He hasn't done anything to you!" Jake yells at him, absolutely furious at the sight he saw.

Meanwhile Sunoo is pulling Jay away with the guiltiest look on his face constantly apologising while pushing Jay away from the duo.

"Next time you won't be so lucky you piece of shit!"

Jay yells out one last time before being silenced by Sunoo once more who is still looking at Jake with guilt and shame.

Jake sighs as he looks over at Sunghoon who's quite surprised to say the least, but before he could say a word to Jake he's already being pulled towards the nurses office where they can find stuff to help with his wounds.

Once inside the nurses office Jake immediately went to work, searching for everything and more to help with Sunghoon's wounds.

To say that Sunghoon was shocked would be an understatement.

He was absolutely flabbergasted.

He doesn't know this guy and yet here he is, helping him.

Apart of him wanted to jump around in joy but he also wanted to cry, he couldn't remember the last time someone was so kind to him.

SUCKER PUNCH! - Jakehoon Where stories live. Discover now