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Sunghoon walked away from the school's library after getting to school a hour late. After what happened with Jake and him he chose to head home despite much to Jake's disappointment which caused him to sleep very late.

He looked around just browsing through the different genres of literature. Sunghoon didn't really enjoy plain non fiction books, most of the ones he read were boring and didn't have any unique themes or quality to keep him interested.

Fiction was his favourite. The amount of freedom and the creativity in the genre led Sunghoon to find loads of books he enjoyed. The basic movie books were classics but he couldn't tell anyone that he had both the entire twilight and the hunger games series.

Whenever he went to Jake's house he remembered that Jake has an unfinished movie series that he wanted to finish. Where Sunghoon like reading Jake enjoys watching.

Magically, Sunghoon managed to find the first book of the series of movies that Jake wanted to finish. 'The maze runner'.

He hid it in his bag so he could read it once he went home, he wanted to be able to understand and enjoy what Jake enjoys as well. And also cause he needed a new series of books to read.

He makes his way out of the library and to his locker so he could get some books for his next class that was gonna start in 20 minutes. However as he closes his locker he's met with the person he wished he'd never seen again.

"What do you want Jay?"

A deadly look was displayed on Jay's features, a part of Sunghoon thought he was going to get punched again but instead he's met with a condescending laugh.

"God Sunghoon I'm sorry! It's just so difficult to take you seriously with all those hickeys on your body."

Sunghoon felt his cheeks lightly blush in embarrassment. He forgot about all the marks Jake gave him the night before. "What's wrong with that?"

Sunghoon questions what Jay is really up to. Usually he could be able to see what Jay was implying but this time he had no clue what was going on. Jay helps him however by laughing once more, a shit eating smirk accompanied his face.

"I mean if you think there's nothing wrong with looking like a cheap slut then by all means keep going!"

Jay pats Sunghoon's shoulder. "By the looks of it you only want Jake for his body anyway. I don't know how anyone would even want to fuck something as pathetic and disgusting as you but hey, maybe it may his thing."

Sunghoon's eyes tear up at Jays words, why should it effect him? Why is he doing all of this?

"Jay. Please, just stop it."

Sunghoon's voice wobbles as he's met with Jay who's still laughing, still smiling. "You want-" Jay erupts in laughter. "You want me to stop? Sunghoon I'm telling you how it is! Who's to say you won't go after Sunoo next. I wouldn't be surprised as he's as much of a cheap whore like yourself. Who knows. Maybe you two could get along great!"

Jay walks off before Sunghoon could say something. Sunghoon could only feel heavy, like he was being held down by all of Jays words. Was it true? Was he really a slut?

"Don't listen to him."

The new voice scares Sunghoon, pulling him out of his head and towards who the person was. "Niki?"

Niki smiles, but it doesn't reach his cheeks. He's obviously pissed. He then pulls his phone out to show him that he had recorded the entire interaction.

"You-" Sunghoon's eyes are wide, stumbling over his words. "But why?"

Niki looks at him. "Sunoo needs to know the truth. Plus this can help both you and Jake out as well."

Sunghoon smiles softly at Niki's words. "You love him a lot don't you Niki." He says gently.

"I cant just let him be torn apart by that stupid fuck all because of what Jay wants to do. Sunoo deserves better."

Niki begins to walk away but before he does he stops to look back at Sunghoon. "Don't listen to Jay okay? Jake loves you. You know that, so don't let Jay get into your head with his stupid bullshit."

His words warmed Sunghoon's heart greatly. He smiles gratefully towards Niki, earning a nod and thumbs up as he walks away from him.

Sunghoon doesn't know Niki that well but he's still grateful for him. He only hoped that Niki could help get Sunoo away from Jay. Sunoo deserved better.

Sunghoon looks up once more to be met with Jake who's eyes lit up at the sight of Sunghoon, already making his way over to him he pulls him into a cozy hug. "Hey my love."

Sunghoon smiles to himself. He deserves better. He deserves Jake.

I'm back :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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