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Lunch arrived at perfect timing, trying to distract himself in a class where there's absolutely nothing at his disposal is a nightmare in itself.

Jake gets his things and goes outside to eat as it was pretty good weather compared to how it was earlier that week, the sun peaks through the clouds here and there, not too windy either.

Being in a big group of people always rubbed Jake the wrong way, whether that was underlying social anxiety or you just disliking being around people in general, so he stuck with himself or his friends Jay and Sunoo, that's if they weren't busy eating each other's faces.

As he walks over to a quiet spot he notices it already being occupied.

Now, normally Jake wouldn't keep walking towards a sleeping person in fear of accidentally waking them up, but once he realised who the person was he couldn't help but walk closer.

Park Sunghoon, the same boy who had left first period after being yelled at by the same teacher.

He felt bad for him truely, he never understood why everyone hated him. He stayed to himself and didn't go out of his way to bother anyone, plus there's no rumours about him to make Jake even think otherwise.

He was different, unfortunately people here hate different.

He quietly walks over, careful to not wake the boy.

Jake smiles. Sunghoon looked prettier than he expected him to be.

Jake remembers that he also has an extra hoodie that he wasn't going to wear as he was already warm enough in his other hoodie, getting it out he places it on Sunghoon's sleeping figure, giving him some extra warmth.

He smiles one last time, mumbling to himself before quickly leaving to not disturb his sleep.

"Sleep well Sunghoon.."


"Okay so, you're telling me that you got a crush on that weird guy in your maths class?"

Jake groans. "For the last time Jay, no I don't. And he's not weird, you don't know him."

"Well you don't know him either Jake, how can you be so sure that he's a good person?" Jay questions.

Jake sighs, he has a point. But that doesn't mean that Jake's gonna listen to him.

"What if your reading his character negatively cause you don't want to associate with him at all so you make him out to be this terrible person in your head so that way you can life freely without having to deal with your unnecessary hate for someone you don't know?"

Jay sighs this time, making Jake get prepared for an argument.

"He doesn't fit in Jake! He's weird and he's kinda stupid. That's why people don't want to get to know him because it's a loss cause. Maybe it's time you understand that too."

Jays words only made Jake laugh in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? You're so fucked up it's insane. I wanted to meet someone knew and get to know them and all you're doing is ridiculing them as if they killed your dog in front you! Open your eyes and maybe stop being so invested in your boyfriends ass next time, you learn a lot more with your eyes open."

Jake stands up, grabs his things and leaves. Ignoring a confused Jay yelling out for him as he made his way to the only place he truely wanted to be right now.

Where Sunghoon is, away from everyone else.


Waking up from the sun hitting his face, Sunghoon is greeted with the same scenery he saw before he closed his eyes, only this time something was different.

He felt warm, really warm actually.

Looking down he's met with a mysterious hoodie laying on top of his figure like a blanket.

It's definitely not his own. He doesn't wear a lot of colour. But he's gotta admit, the oversized navy hoodie was really nice and warm on him.

Pulling the fabric closer to him he's greeted with a scent of cologne and fabric softener, it was almost intoxicating him.

Who would smell so nice and give away their hoodie to him while he was asleep?? Didn't every one hate him?

A part of his brain told him that this was a dream or even some really messed up prank.

Sunghoon couldn't fathom that someone could possibly be wanting to be friends or even just nice to him.

This entire situation was foreign to him, he didn't know how to respond or what to do.

What he does know is that he doesn't want to give back this mystery hoodie, or smelt too nice to giveaway.

Did an angel give him it? He had no idea.

He ran his fingers across the fabric and pulled it close to him again, smiling at the foreign but kind act.

Unknown to Sunghoon however, the hoodies owner was only a few metres away, watching him almost cuddle the fabric with the utmost care along with a smile on his face.

Jake's heart fluttered at the scene. Sunghoon's smile was so beautiful.

He's definitely going to give him more things to smile about more now. If it means he can see the schools outcast smile again.


This is literally so freaking cute omg
Jake slayed.

SUCKER PUNCH! - Jakehoon Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora