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Sunghoon was currently shitting bricks.

Not literally. But he was almost about to.

Jake and him had made plans for a day together, a hangout sesh if you may.

However when Jake rolled up to his place with a bag he soon realised that this wasn't a hangout for the day.

It was a sleepover.

Jake gave Sunghoon his infamous smile, bringing butterflies to Sunghoon's tummy almost instantly.


Sunghoon's grin only grew as he saw the older waddle towards him with his bag that was cartoonishly large for his size.

He walked over to the brunette, lifting the bag with ease and helped him inside.

Jake's cheeks flushed as he saw how easily Sunghoon carried his bag for him.

'Damn, what if he carried me like that-'

Jake shook his head to get rid of that sudden thought, waddling inside Sunghoon's house for the very first time.

It was clean, really clean actually.

It smelled nice too, a comfortable aroma filled the house, calming Jake's nerves.

"My dad will be home later tonight so we have the house to ourselves for now."

Sunghoon announces as he heads upstairs to put Jake's bag in his room. Jake following him like a lost puppy.


Jake awed at Sunghoon's room.

It was so simple, but yet Jake was at awe of the sight of it.

Sunghoon's shelves were neatly organised, books, video games and more laid across them in a sophisticated way.

His bed was massive and was so so comfortable, soft blankets and comfortable pillows littered the bed, making it all the more welcoming.

Laying on the bed Jake felt euphoric.

Sunghoon's bed was so damn comfortable. It smelled like him too.

Only now did Jake noticed how much he likes Sunghoon's scent. It wasn't overbearing. It was still manly but he smelled clean, like fresh clothes and snow.

Jake looked around the others room once more, his eyes locked onto something of his interest.

"You have a switch?"

Sunghoon looks over at Jake who was still laying in his bed almost as if he ready for a nap.

He nods. "Yeah. I played earlier today before you came over, why?"

Jake makes eye contact with Sunghoon, making his heart race for some reason.

"Can we play it?"

And who was Sunghoon to decline such a good offer?



Jake whines out of defeat as Sunghoon watches the other team take another win in Fall Guys.

SUCKER PUNCH! - Jakehoon Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant