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Jake smiles to himself as he walks Sunghoon to his class. Wishing that he could just hold the others hand for just one more minute at least.

"Come on Jakey, you gotta go to your class too."

Jake whines quietly as he leans onto Sunghoon's shoulder, hands intertwined with his as he shakes his head.

"No I stay."

"No you go Jake."

"No I stay Hoon."

"No you go now Jake. Or no more hanging out after school today."

Jake sighs in defeat as he slowly moves away from Sunghoon, watching him giggle at the sight.

Pulling him close he gently kisses Jake's lips quickly before he starts to walk to his class. Watching as Jake's face glows a soft red, his eyes following Sunghoon's figure.

Sunghoon smiles lovingly at him before running up to kiss him one last time before walking to his class.

"See you after class my love."

Jake could feel his heart race at the nickname before he sheepishly waddles off to his class. A smile goofily placed on his face.

The walk to his class and quiet and peaceful, making him almost contemplate if he should just skip and wait for Sunghoon to finish his class and run home with him.

However life doesn't work the way we always want for to, especially not for Jake who's greeted with the last person he wants to see at the moment.


"What do you want Jay?"

Jay steps back before regaining his composure, Jake's sudden harshness towards him making him already agitated and frustrated.

"I want to talk to you. Alone."

Jake sighs and is about to walk away when Jay calls out to him once more.

"After this you and i don't have to interact anymore if that's what you want. Please I just need to talk to you again Jake..."

Jays sudden change in tone made Jake more uncomfortable than before, why was he begging to talk to him?

The whole situation was too simple for Jake to just wash off as Jay wanting to talk to him. He knows Jay doesn't do things the simple way. Jay could be wanting anything from wanting to hurt him to manipulating him to leave Sunghoon.

Regardless of this though, he chooses to hear Jay out, curious as to what the other wants.

Following Jay up to the rooftop of the school where no one else is at during classes he watched as Jay slowly slowed down to a stop. Far away from the rest of the school Jake notices the tension between them, however, he notices it too late he's suddenly met with Jay pushing him up against the wall.

"What the fuck-

"Come on Jake don't tell you don't like this? Being pushed up against a wall, knowing you have to stay quiet otherwise other people with find us." Jay smirks.

Jake tries to get out of Jays grip, incredibly uncomfortable and hating what Jay might have in store for him.

"Get off you asshole!"

"Oh? But you never told Sunghoon to get off when he did this. Wonder what he has that makes you submit so easily.."

"What the fuck do you want Jay!" Jake calls out as he feels Jays grip on him tighten.

"Oh poor Jakey, seems you're in a bit of a mess right now aren't you? I told you to stay away from Sunghoon didnt I? Now look at you."

Jay's voice hits a nerve in Jake that he forgot he even had and before Jay could realise it, Jake overpowers him.

"If you put your hands on him one more time I swear to god I'll beat you till you're lying on the ground choking on your own blood you stupid cunt."

Jay laughs at Jake's attempt to threaten him, not paying any attention to the other figure nearby that was watching the entire thing go down.

"Or what Jake, you'll hit me? Oooh I'm so scared-

"I know you're cheating on Sunoo."

Jake watches as Jay's complexion goes pale, caught of guard as he watches Jake laugh at his face.

"You gotta be so up yourself to think that I wouldn't know what you were doing behind his back, kissing boys like it was a national sport. I wouldn't be surprised if you caught a STI from how many guys you've fucked during dating Sunoo. I'd be worried if I was you, imagine the schools top dog, cheating on his little boyfriend. The only man he swore he loved."

"Fuck you."

Jake laughs once more. "Is that all you have to say? God Jay I thought you'd be better than this. It's embarrassing honesty, watching you acting as if not a single person can touch you but yet here you are, touching up every person who gives the slightest praise or attention. Always when Sunoo isn't around."

Jake's cocky expression turns dark, the sight sending chills down Jay's spine as he realises how much he's fucked up.

"You make me sick. If i was you I wouldn't even bother trying to show up here anymore. Might as well go to the doctors to get checked out for the amount of STI's you might have instead of threatening your so called friend."

Jake pushes Jay away and smiles innocently at him.

"If you don't want Sunoo finding out about this then leave Sunghoon alone, got it?"

Jake watches as Jay scoffs at him, clearly trying to regain his composure and confidence as he realises the importance of the decision he has to make.

"And if I don't back off? What will you do then asshole?" Jay hisses.

Jake smiles at him once more, slightly turning to walk away.

"Then Sunoo gets to know how much of a slut his boyfriend truely is."

Jakey boy got Jay good lmao

SUCKER PUNCH! - Jakehoon Where stories live. Discover now