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Sunghoon woke up first the next morning. His eyes almost being blinded by the light in the room.

Rubbing his eyes he looks around his room to become aware of his surroundings. However, what he forgot about was the weight on his chest.

Looking down he's met with a sleeping Jake, his head resting on his chest almost under his neck. His hair was messy but yet he still managed to look breathtaking nonetheless.

Sunghoon is reminded of the events last night as he sees all the hickeys he made on Jake's skin.

Sunghoon should feel shame for it. It was meant to be a sleepover with his new friend and now here he is, their head on his chest while he thinks to himself how much he fucked up.

What if it was in heat of the moment and it didn't mean anything to Jake? What if Jake leaves him now cause he doesn't want to be around him anymore?

Sunghoon wouldn't be surprised if it happened, but this time he wants to do everything in his power to not lose Jake.

Jake made him feel things he's never felt before.

Happiness. Love.

He's never felt so happy in his life and it's all because of Jake. If he was to lose him Sunghoon wouldn't know what to do.

Sunghoon's thoughts were interrupted by Jake who's now awake and is staring at him softly.

Looking down he sees Jake's gentle gaze, his body immediately relaxes seeing how calm and happy Jake looked. "Morning Jake."

Jake smiles at him. "Morning loser."

Sunghoon raises an eyebrow at the comment, making the brunette on his chest giggle at the action.


Sunghoon takes a deep breath. If he's going to have a relationship or friendship with Jake he wants to have the ability to tell him how he feels, no matter if it hurts Sunghoon.

"Do you regret last night?"

Jake frowns hearing this. "Why should I?

"Hoon." Jake starts. "If I regretted anything it would be not finding you sooner and doing this. Since you and i became close I have never been so alive, you make me feel like I'm living instead of existing Sunghoon."

"I don't regret a single thing from last night, if anything I'd gladly do it over again and again."

Jake could feel Sunghoon's racing heartbeat, smiling he leans in closer to the other, their faces only inches apart. "What about you Sunghoon?"

Sunghoon inhales. "I always thought that you were too good for me."

Jake's eyes softened hearing this, hoping it wasn't going where he thought it was going he asked Sunghoon the only thing on his mind.

"Do you think you don't deserve to be loved Sunghoon?"

The lone tear leaving Sunghoon's eyes said all the words he needed to say, shattering Jake's heart at the sight.

He frowns. "Hoon.. why would you think that?"

Sunghoon sits up, wiping his eyes as he tries to not burst into tears in front of Jake. His voice only says it all, breaking slightly every few words he spoke.

"You've been the only person who's bothered staying let alone think of my feelings Jake. I cant help but think the worst will happen cause what if you end up being like everyone else? What if you leave me too?"

"That's bullshit."

Sunghoon looks at Jake in shock, worried he was going to go off at him he backs away slightly, only being brought back with Jake's hands gently holding his own.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant it as I'm not leaving you, ever. Sunghoon you're already difficult to leave my mind how on earth can I just walk out of your life without thinking of you every hour of my days? I'd rather be alone with you in this stupid town than be surrounded by people who don't actually care about me."

Bringing a hand to Sunghoon's cheek Jake gently caresses his face, a loving smile accompanying his face.

"You're all I need Hoon. You're everything I could ever ask for."

More tears flow down Sunghoon's face as he processes the brunette's words, his heart filled with warmth as he finally realised what he was feeling.

Sunghoon finally felt loved, after so many years of suffering. He had finally felt loved.

Sorry for the lack of updates. The next chapter will probably be one of the softest chapters I've ever written :(
I luv jake the sweetheart omg

SUCKER PUNCH! - Jakehoon Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu