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"This is wrong."

Jay groans once more, he wants to pull his hair out he's so frustrated.

"Can't you see everything wrong in this Sunoo? Jake left for some lowlife crybaby over you and I. Sunghoon is the reason for all of this!"

Sunoo couldn't understand why Jay was acting like this, what did Sunghoon do to make Jay hate him so much?

"Why do you even hate him Hyung?"

Jay turns to look Sunoo in the eye, his gaze filled with so much hate it gave Sunoo goosebumps.

"What does he have Sunoo? Think about it. He has no one here that likes him let alone would even want to be near such a disgusting pig like him. He's like a parasite that needs to die. Now he's going after Jake and I can only sit and laugh at his pathetic attempts of trying to be like us."

Sunoo feels the wall collide with his back as Jay comes closer to him, placing a hand on his cheek, grazing the skin softly.

"Look at us Sunoo, you and i are unstoppable. Sunghoon is a mere bug on the ground that I'll step on until there's nothing left of him. An outcast like him deserves to stay away from us, he's inferior to us anyway."

Jay smiles at Sunoo, loving how small the younger feels in his arms.

Jay's gaze was psychotic, nothing could have warned Sunoo of what he was doing with Jay. Despite being against his lovers wishes, he'd rather be stuck with Jay than be in Sunghoon's position.

Even if he tried leaving it'd be no use, he was powerless against Jay. That thought alone terrified him more than death itself.

Jay watches Sunoo go through the inner turmoil of the situation and it brings him a high he'd never say out loud. Watching an angel like Sunoo be cornered like this felt so empowering for him.

Jay smirks and grazes his hand down from Sunoo's cheek to his bottom lip, his thumb rubbing the plump flesh.

"If I had it my way I would've had him dead by now. That motherfucker should be grateful to even breathe the same air as me."


Waiting patiently for Sunghoon, Jake leans on the wall, feeling the warmth of the sun trying to creep in through the cloudy sky on his skin, giving him extra warmth despite being perfectly fine.

The thought of being with the taller again made Jake want to jump around in excitement, even though they've only gotten close recently he couldn't help but have his head be fully occupied with thoughts of Sunghoon.

Playing with the strings on his hoodie he waits and waits, watching the clouds part to give way for the sun to shine brightly, just like how Jake watched as the students made way to their friends or classes, giving way for Sunghoon who was walking up towards the brunette.

The second Jake sees Sunghoon he's immediately going up to the other to give him a hug. Wanting nothing more than to be in Sunghoon's embrace once more.


"Can we go to our spot? Please.."

Jake agrees but is confused with the urgency to get away from the school. Checking his phone as they quickly walk from the main part of campus Jake gets even more confused.

SUCKER PUNCH! - Jakehoon Where stories live. Discover now