+New Job+

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I woke up to the sound of my 7 year old brother, Hugo screaming at the top of his lungs at mum while I stayed at my mums" I WANT PANCAKES" He screamed as I walked out to the kitchen. Sky and Arron where sitting there already eating the last of the pancakes to annoy Hugo. "Morning sis!" They called catching my attention. "Morning" I looked back over to Hugo now screaming and crying on the floor. "Y/N can you please take your brother to the park today" Mum says. "Can't, I'm looking for a job so I don't end up like these to" I replied pointing at Sky and Arron. "Hey your only 20" Sky teased jumping off of his chair. "Yeah and I'm not 26 and 28 still living with my mum" I snapped. "You win" Arron groaned.

*Time skip!*

I walked down the street to my favourite coffee shop while looking for jobs on my phone. Even if I was 20 I only had 2 friends both of of them being my best of friends. "Y/n!!!" Alex called from above. I looked up from my phone to Alex and Lexie waiting at the coffee shop for me. "Hey guys!" I sat down next to Lexie and started deciding what I wanted. "See Mr Lovebird over here got a girlfriend!" Lexie teased pointing at Alex. "Oi I wanted to tell her!" He winged . "Have you found a job yet?" Alex asked tapping me on the head to get my attention. "No not yet none of them are me, it's either building prisons or selling my body and I don't like sound of any" I sighed. "I heard that Hershey's Park is looking for new scare actors!" Lexie beamed almost spilling her coffee. "What? Looking for sliders?" Alex asked. "Actually that sounds like a good idea" I said looking up at Lexi and ignoring Alex. "I've seen them all over tik tok but I never thought I'd tried to be one" "why don't you call them now then, before half the city try's to become one just for Fryboy" Lexie said pulling out her phone to give me their number. *Fryboy? Who?* I thought never hearing the name. Lexie gave me the number and we all went our separate ways.

When I got back home I called the number. It rang for a couple seconds before picking up. "Hello Hershey's Park speaking" A deep voice said, it sent chills up my spine. "Hi, I'm calling about you guys hiring" "ah yes, name and age" "Y/N Y/L/N and I'm 20 years old" I said crossing my fingers. "Ok, what time can you come it for an interview?" As soon as he finished speaking a hot voice came out of no where "She can't come between 2pm and 9pm since that's our most popular time" It said "Is 9:30am ok?" I asked. "Fryboy shut your mouth, uhh yeah that's ok!" *That name Fryboy...* I thought remembering the name Lexie had said. "See you then, bye" I replied. "Bye!" And then they hung up.

The next morning I woke up late. *shit I have 25 minutes!" I ran around trying to get ready before tripping over and knocking my head on the side of the table making it bleed. *oh well* I finally got ready and ran out the apartment to Hershey's Park. "Hi sorry I'm late I'm here for an interview" I ran in and told the receptionists" "Y/N Y/L/N?" She asked. "Yeah" "You're just in time princess~" I turned my head to see a tall man with black and white clothes and black and white clown makeup with dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. "Who are you?" I asked, "are you the guy I was talking to yesterday?" "No, the names Fryboy Princess" *Fryboy, we meet at last* "ugly name, and it's Y/N to you." I snapped. "Ooo a fistey one, BOSS SHE'S HERE!" He yelled "finally, welcome!" He walked up to me and shook my hand. "Call me Gascan, I'm in charge of hiring and Fryboy's boss" I look over to Fryboy to see him rolling his eyes. "Let's start with the tour and you get back to work" Gascan shot Fryboy a evil glare while Fryboy walked away. I followed Gascan as he started the tour. When we got to Midway Misery I completely zoned out just staring at Fryboy, for a pain in the ass he was kinda cute. "One second Y/N I have to take this phone call" Gascan walked away out of sight and I just stood there bored before I jumped as I felt a pair of hands tap my shoulder. I spun around to see Fryboy standing there. "What happened to your head" he pointed to my head that was still slightly bleeding. "Oh ah, I tripped over this morning and knocked my head on the side of my coffee table" "hmm, you should have cleaned up before you came" next thing I new he was pulling a rage out of his side pocket and dabbing it along my head. "Do you mind" I yelled pushing him away. "I'm only trying to help no need t be rude!" He snarled walking towards me. "Get away from me you creep!" Flashes of your ex boyfriend started rolling into your head.

Flash back:
"Come on babe~" He walked towards me pinning me against the wall. "Ba..Babe no! I'm 19 I don't want to do this!" I tried getting out of his reach before he started chocking me. "Yeah so I'm 20 and horny, don't you love me enough? Come one you don't want me to hurt you again~" he said in his poor baby voice. "Jackson no!" I screamed   trying to get a word  out. He let go and started hitting me. "I'll force you then..." After that he Raped me just a he fished my 2 older brothers walked in and started beating him.

Flash back over:

I push the memories a side and focused of what was going on. As he walked closer he got to point where he was only a inch away from my face and I could feel his warm breath on my face. I looked up at him and just stared into his eyes. I didn't even realised I was blushing until he moved back away laughing. "So you think I'm cute hmmmm" "hmmm what?" I asked as he just sat there thinking. "I have to think of something to call you because Princess is prettying common" I sat there blankly and he thought for what felt like 100 years "I know what about sugar, nah oo I know!" He beamed up in excitement. "What." I groaned. "How bout My Clown?" I look up at him it was actually a good nick name I guess... "sure" He slid away laughing as Gascan walked over. "Sorry about him he's 23 yet we have make sure he's not gonna do something stupid likes he's 5" I chuckled. After the tour we headed back to the office to see if I had everything to get the job. "Your pretty good with experience it says here" When I little I did sliding as a sport but after I turned 16 I stopped. "I think your in! Welcome to the squad!" He shook my hand and gave me even more paperwork to fill out. "What's this?" "Oh it's just stuff to say what your characters  design and what your name is"

As I drove home I was thinking of names but I just couldn't think of any. When I got home I put on a movie and started thinking what my name could be before I got a text from a random number.
???: Hi my clown
I knew exactly who it was.
Me: How'd you get my number Mr French Fry?
Fryboy: I found it in the call system we have here in case of an emergency or booking check.
Me: So your not just full of charms you actually have a brain?
Fryboy: Ha ha.
Me: shouldn't you be working it's only 1pm?
Fryboy: We finish early on a Sunday.
Then there was just a slight pause, long enough to make me put my phone down.
Fryboy: Why did you slightly freak out when I walked closer to you today while you where on tour?
My heart dropped, should I really be telling him? I sat there for a second deciding if I should tell him. I took a deep breath and started texting him what had happened.
Fryboy: So your toxic ex boyfriend rapped you because he was horny?!
Me: yeah....
Fryboy: I'm so sorry!
Me: don't be he ended up going to hospital because of my brothers Arron and Sky.
Fryboy: oh good, one last thing before I go.
Me: what?
Fryboy: Do you want to come over and watch a movie with my and some of the others form the squad?
Me: Not tonight I feel sick from looking at your face.
Fryboy: Come one! Please?
Me: No I actually feel sick I think it's from my head..
Fryboy: Give me your address and I'll come over and help you please?
Me: fine if you must come over... *sends address*

He doesn't reply and so I just sit and watch my movie while my head started wilting in pain. After about 20 minutes I hear a knock on the door. I get up and walked over but then I startto feel really dizzy. I open the door to see Fryboy still in his makeup. "Why didn't you get changed?" I asked started to feel light headed. "Because I came form the park straight here" as I was about to say something but then I passed out into his arms.

Sorry for the cliff hanger! This is my first book that I'm actually going to stick with lol come t if you like this!

My Clown (Fryboy x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now