+Make up+

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I stared at my phone wondering if I should reply back or not, I sat there and decided to reply back. 


Me: Look it really hurt, you made me think you didn't trust me. After what we've both been through together you really think that I would cheat on you??. 

I got up and walked outside onto the balcony. I sat down on the chair and let the cool breeze wipe my face like a sharp icicle. 


Fryboy; Could you ever forgive me? I miss you.. I miss seeing your beautiful face, warm smile everything..

I looked at my phone and didn't know what to do I really did miss him and wanted to, but what he did was wrong. I sat there thinking how this could affect me could it affect me in a good or bad way. I sat there for another 10 minutes before I picked my phone up again. 

Fryboy ❤️:

Me: Fine, I'll forgive you, but this is your very last chance, because what you put me through really, really hurt. 

Fryboy: Yes, I know, and I understand, is it ok if I come over and see you?? 

Me: Sure, if you must. 

About 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I shouted walking back inside off the balcony. Fryboy walked in slightly in tears. "What's wrong?" I said, trying not to cry myself. "I- It's just the way I treated you and like you know I thought you would f hated me!" He cried looking over at me. "I was upset and mad because of what you did but I love you too much to hate you" I replied walked over to him cresting his cheeks with the palms of my hands. He looked at me and I wiped his tears. We moved closer and kissed, his tongue entered mine and soon the kissed got ruff. He grabbed my waist and didn't stop. Before long he finally pulled away and I rest my head on his cheat as he buried his face into my hair. "Fuck I miss you love I really, really did" He said giving me a little kiss. 

We sat back down on the lounge and put on a movie. I sat there and just rested my head on his shoulder and slowly put my leg on top of his. As the movie went on I started to get bored, and I wanted to tease Fry to get back at him. I sat up fully on his lap facing him. He looked up from his phone and looked at me as if to say. ; What on Earth are you doing!?; I just smiled at him and slowly but surely started moving my hips side to side. I got faster and faster making Fryboy's head roll back. "Fuck Y/N stop!" He cried covering his face with his hand. "This is what you get for accusing me of cheating!" He looked at me and just smirked. "Oh Y/N you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into~" He said standing up picking me up as well. I took me over to the bedroom and started kissing my neck. I let out small moans as he hit my sweet spot. (Annd you know what happens next 😏) 

When I woke up it was dark. I looked at Fryboy who was lying there sound asleep. I sat there and played with his hair before standing up to go have a shower. When I walked out, I saw Fryboy was awake and on his phone. "Hiii" I said cheerfully sitting next to him. "He kissed me on the cheek before pulling me into a cuddle position. "Can we have food before going back to bed?" I giggled looking up at his beautiful golden-brown eyes. "No." He mumbled closing his eyes. I stayed awake thinking about everything, about Jackson, Mum, the breakup, Lexie and Alex and what could come in the future. Even though I knew his name I still called him Fryboy. "Hey babe" I said breaking the silence. "Yeah?" He mumbled I looked at him and sat up. "Do you want kids?" I asked leaning closer to him. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Why?" He asked slightly blushing. "Just answer!" I said playfully punching him. "Of course, I do! Why wouldn't I?" He almost yelled. "Now answer why!" He cried. "I don't know I was just wondering like maybe in a few years when I'M older and if our relationship works out and we don't have those sort of like 4 months no talking sort of thing, maybe we could try to have a family" I smiled. "Wa- I mean, I'm not stopping you!" He stuttered clearly blushing. I smiled and laid back down on his chest. "I love you My Clown" he said playing with my hair. *You're my clown* I thought listening to his heartbeat. Oh, how I missed him so, I missed everything about him. 

When I woke up my phone was ringing. I looked down to see it was my dad. "Hello?" I mumbled still waking up. "How's my favorite daughter!" He spoke. "Oh really, you never said that when we did think you were alive, for 14 YEARS" I yelled waking Fryboy up with a jolt. "Who's that Princess" I said sitting up in bed. "Y/N is that your boyfriend?" He asked making Fryboy look at you with fear (Btw your dad was on loudspeaker) "Yes DAD that is" I made sure to say dad louder than the other words so Fry new I was cheating on him. "You're dad?" Fryboy asked sitting up right. "Yes, this is her "DeAd" father who wasn't dead but was just in a coma for 6 years." He explained. "I just thought I give you a call to tell you how much I love you Y/N!" I rolled my eyes and put my slippers on. "I wish you said that to 14-year-old me." I said tears slowly falling down my cheek. *I really wish you just stayed dead, I really do* I thought remembering how he treated, me, mum, sky and Arron, 

Hey guys! Sorry, this took so long, my phone got taken away do I had to change over to laptop and I'm still getting used to it so yeah and there's drama at school and I won't be myself because my mum sadly lost the baby... So, I'm still recovering from that with my mum. I'm working a new book and I will be using Fryboy's real name now that he has done a face revel and that.  

My Clown (Fryboy x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now