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With that I put my phone down and kept watching tv. "Who was that My clown?" Fryboy ask grabbing my hips. "Just some random number." I said looking down at my phone. "Then why where you texting it for so long." He asked reaching my phone. I grabbed it and help it up to my chest. "Who is it." He asked sitting up. I hoped off of his lap and walked away. "Y/an don't fucken ignore me who is that!" He said grabbing my wrist. "Let go!" I yelled making him let go and I ran straight into my room. I locked the door behind me knowing he'll trying to get in. Soon I heard him banging on the door trying to get in. "Y/N WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING TO!" He yelled making me jump. "It's no one just a friend!" I cried thinking he was going to break the door. "Y/N open this fucken door now." He said calmer. "No." I replied. "So your cheating on me like Emily did huh." He said walking away. "Wait no babe I'm not!" I hurried opening the door to run out to him. "After what I've done for you this is how you repay me!?" He yelled tears slowly falling down his cheeks. "I LOVED YOU Y/N I REALLY DID!" He yelled. "I do to, I'm not cheating it was someone who I thought was dead was texting me!" I tried explaining. "What your dad!" He yelled. I nodded but he didn't believe me, after more arguing he stormed out of my apartment and slammed the door behind him. I cried knowing this was all my fault. I tired texting him saying if he came back over I would show him proof but he just said to fuck off and eventually he blocked me. I cried I'm bed for weeks not having him there not being able to contact him, nothing.

Soon weeks turned into months we both still went to work together but we kept our distances. "You cheated on him!?" Emily came in yelling one day. "No I didn't! And even if I did why do you care you cheated on him!" I yelled half way through my makeup. "Yeah, but he's still my friend and every time he sees you and thinks about he cries!" I was shocked. I looked at my phone and saw my dad had tried calling me. "Who's that your new man?" She snapped. "It's my brother." I lied not wanting her to know about my father. "Please let me talk to him!" I begged. "No!" She yelled punching me in the face. I cried to a point where I screamed my lunges out not because she had just punched me but because I missed Fryboy, I should have just told him when he ask, I missed everything about him, the way he felt, I missed falling asleep in his arms, listening to his heart beat everything about him I missed. "What's going on in here?" Fryboy asked walking into the room. I could tell he'd been varying to, but I just stayed staring at the ground. (You where on the ground btw) "she's saying she never cheated on you." Emily smirked "Because I didn't, I would never do that because I hated the thought of you being upset and losing you!" I cired even more. Fryboy stood there fist clenched. I wiped my eyes but I was still crying. "You promise you where never cheating" he finally said. "Yes or I wouldn't be missing you wishing you where still with me or crying like this!" I explained. He just looked at me and I finally looked up. Our eyes met, he stood there looking at me before walking away. I sat there crying and crying to where GasCan and Dusty came in to help me, they believed me and told me why he was like this.

Winter came and it was cold, I miss being in Fryboys warm arms, they made me feel safe like nothing could hurt me. I sat on my balcony watching the tiny snow flacks fall like a stone in water. I drank my hot coco before looking at me phone.
Fryboy❤️ has unblocked you.
*what?* I thought reading the message I ignored it and just started watching tik tok before long I saw Fryboy was live, I wanted to get some answers so I went on a alt account to join.
*On the live*
Fryboy: I have a fear of spiders and snake!
Me: Are you and Sugar Cub still still dating?
I put in the chat, he read it out loud but paused.
Fryboy: I-, we got into a fight and I blamed her for cheating on me when she wasn't and well we haven't talked in months, I really do miss her I really do! I fucked up...
I felt a pain of sadness run through my body, *he misses me!?" I thought, I continued to watch the live until I bored of him answering the same questions over and over. *ugh what do I do!?* I stood up and walked inside. I laid in bed scrolling through photos of me and Fryboy, I looked over at his cigarette lighter still sitting there and wondered if I should do it again. I looked at it for minutes and just pushed it aside. I put on a movie and was pretty bored, Alex and his girlfriend went on a snow trip and they had no wifi and Lexie had gone to Brazil 🇧🇷 with her family so I really had no one to talk to. As I laid there my phoned buzzed.
Fryboy: Hi.
Me: Hi?
Fryboy: Look I'm really, really sorry, I know I messed up I new I shouldn't of jumped to conclusions and I'm sorry ok..
I stared at my phone wondering if I should reply back or not, I sat there and decided to...

Hiii srry this took so long I've been so busy and when I do get to write I've been so tired, and I, thinking of making a 3rd boom ofc the 2nd book isn't out yet but oh well 😁 love you tricksters!

My Clown (Fryboy x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now