+Im not losing you+

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I closed the door and fell back asleep in my bed. When I woke up I could still hear him being there. I grabbed his lighter and put it up to my legs and turned it on. I winced at the pain as the fire burned my legs and started crying. *I'm a bad girlfriend, a bad sister, a bad daughter...." I cried and cried until I had enough of the pain and through the lighter across my room. I laid there quietly hearing Fryboy crying a sobbing and yelling to himself. I had enough of him blaming himself for my actions. I walked out with my legs bleeding and my arms shaking. "This is all my fault isn't it! I should of checked on you sooner I should have stayed!" He cried falling to the ground. "It's not your fault, it's no ones" I managed to say almost forgetting how to speak English. He sat up and turned around, his eyes met mine they where red and puffy from crying and he looked exhausted. He ran up to me and held me in his arms, I missed being in them I missed him all over every part of his body, the way he smelt, felt, acted and seeing his smiles and face. "I- I'm sorry babe..." I said burring my face into his chest. We stood there for a few seconds before he took me back into my room. Blood trickled down my legs and arms while he wrapped them up after I had a shower and washed and brushed my hair. He then sat me on my bed and started cleaning my room. "Fry- don't do this, it's my mess" I said sitting up onto the edge of the bed. "No. Your not in a good mental state let this be the least I can do" He said picking up rubbish ignoring me.

When he finished he sat up next to me and put (your fav movie) on and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I moved onto his lap letting my legs lay beside each of his, I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped both of his arms around my lower back. "I'm not losing you. Ever think of doing that again and watch out." He said sternly. I nodded and closed my eyes listening to his heart beat and the movie in the back ground. I was relaxed and clam and actually felt happy ever since the accident.

*Time skip!*

Weeks later I found out mum had sadly died. I saw her after I was ok for 7 weeks before she died. I wasn't the same I was a lot more quiet and stayed to myself, I got scared easily and would just start shaking. This mainly happened a lot at work. Gascan and Dusty new what happened so they didn't inform the big boss. Fryboy took me to a therapist every week to try to get back to myself and it was slowly working but the month. I explained to my family and Alex and Lexie what had happened and what I did to myself and they where all understanding. Life got a little better by the month but it still was shit not having my mum. Hugo kept asking where mum was till we finally decided to tell him. He broke down it tears knowing that both his parents where dead. The police gave full custody to Arron and his girlfriend to look after him since he was 28 and the eldest. I kept getting the same nightmares of Jackson in my head and I hated it, I wished they would just stop I wish life was normal just the way it was before I started at Hershey's park so no Jackson, no Emily, no Stalker, no dead mum nothing. Fryboy barley went home if he did he always made sure I was with him he said I couldn't be truest to stay home alone anymore after what I did. I was slowly getting better the more time I spent with him, the more time I spent with my friends. I always looked in the mirror and looked myself in the eyes, there I was standing there still alive and the only reason I was, was because of my Clown, Fryboy.

Fryboy got me a journal to keep all my worried thoughts down on paper, but he always new how I was feeling and what was going through my head. One day I was watching tv on Fryboy's lap when I got a text from someone I thought was gone.
678 162 456 (fake number btw)
???: Hi my daughter.
Me: who's this?
???: Don't you remember your father?
I looked at my phone horrified. My father was still alive? How?
Me: no, no! My fathers dead!
???: So that's the lie your mother told you?
Me: No- No I was there I remembered him dying in front of me!
???: Y/N. I never died, I was in a coma that's when your mother left with you and your brothers.
I was confused and scared.
Me: I- I don't believe you!
???: When I woke up only last year I found out through family members that your mother had cut contact with us and kept you and your brothers hidden.
Me: even if your my father I would never talk to you! Not after what you did!
Father: I know I abused you and I'm sorry. After I woke up and realised what I had done to you and the older boys I new it was wrong and why your mother left me...
I new it was him because his profile picture matched his and he new everything.
Father: How is your mother?
Me: Dead.
Father: What how!?
Me: Got in a car accident a few months ago...
Father: I'm sorry Y/N, I wish I was there to comfort you!
Me: Don't worry someone already was.
Father: Who? One of your brothers?
Me: No my boyfriend.
I looked at my phone in rage, out of no where he just came along!
Father: sounds like a good lad!
Me: Yeah he is.
With that I put my phone down and kept watching tv.

Hey guys I told you I would publish I chapter but I didn't expect it to be this late. 😅 but yeah, I hope you like this little plot twist lol. I thought I should put in Y/and father and more of her back story, let me know if you like the idea! 😁

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