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After I finally got to work I left the hoodie in the car and I ran straight into the makeup artist and stylist room, but I was stopped bye Emily. "Afternoon Emily!" I sad happily even though I new she hated my guts. "Stay away from him" she said deeply looking at the ground. "From who?" I asked. "FROM MY MAN" she yelled lunging at me with full anger in her eyes. She got behind me and started pulling my hair and scratching my face drawing blood. She got to the front of me and started punching me over and over making me cry. *shit there's no way out of this* I thought trying to find a way out without hiring her. I started screaming in pain as it got worse loud enough for Fryboy and Gascan to hear from the other room. Just as Emily pulled out a knife they walked in "Emily what the fuck are you doing!" Gascan said running to me. Fryboy was live so everyone could hear what was going on but he made sure no one saw so they couldn't clip it. Fryboy through his phone to the ground making everything fully black for everyone. He started pulling me to his side while Gascan started to pull Emily off of me but she kept trying to attack me. After 5 minutes of trying to get her off they finally did, my lip was busted and my nose was poring out blood and I had a slash across my neck. Fryboy pulled me to his chest and I cried as the pain got worse and worse and Fry just held onto me tight while Emily was trying to escape Gascan's grip. "Emily what are you doing to her!" Fryboy said pissed and worried looking like he could kill her. "She's stealing you from me! You still loved me I knew it! But as soon as she came you changed it was always, oh Y/N's so pretty I wish she could be mine or Y/N's amazing! You never said anything about me!" I could see why she hated me and I new that pain of someone you loved loving someone else. "Emily, after you cheated on me I never loved you the same way and I've got to be honest I hate you for doing it, you have to understand that I'm moving on! And clearly you did to while we where dating... and after this I really hope you never talk to me again." He calmly explain but I new by the way he was holding onto me he wanted to scream and yell his head off at her. "You never loved me after I..." She whimpered crying crocodile tears. " Why would he?!" Gascan snapped. Emily started crying and ran off. Luckily for me the bleeding had stopped and my nose was fine but Fryboy still took me to the hospital because of how much blood there was.

*Time skip again but this time 3 weeks*

I had been back at work for 2 weeks after what Emily had done to me and she made sure to steer clear from me. Fryboy always stayed beside me when ever we had a team meeting just to make sure she wouldn't do anything to me. I walked in and started getting ready when Fryboy walked in arguing with Gascan. "PEPSI IS BETTER!" Gascan yelled and then Fryboy spun around pissed at him. "NO COKE IS, PEPSI IS FOR FUCKEN WIRED O'S!" I rolled my eyes as I stood up after my makeup and hair was done, ready to put my sliding gear on. As they kept arguing they kept annoying me over and over. "HOW BOUT BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I screamed "and I think Coke is better" I shrugged. "Ha told you" Fry smirked at Gascan like he actually won something. Everything was fine but I still never had the guts to ask Fryboy if he wanted to be my boyfriend as much as I wanted to I was really, really scared to incase I lost him or he thought I was one of the girls obsessed with him. (Btw I just realised I never told you your slider name, it's Sugar Cub bc you walk around eating something sugary)

As I was sliding around Midway Misery I kept seeing Jackson, as if he-  he was following me everywhere. *I thought he got arrested* I wondered but still thinking it could just be my mind playing tricks on me again. As I slid next to Fry a small familiar voice came running to me. "Y/N YOUR HERE" He screamed he jumping onto me and started hugging me. "Hi Hugo" I chuckled but still was happy to see he was alright. "Who's this little monkey?"  Fry asked bending down to his level. "Who are you Mr Clown Face!" He protested. "Hugo this is my co worker and work best friend Fryboy" I looked down at Hugo and pointed to Fry. "He smells funny and looks likes a donkeys bum bum" He said narrowing his eyes at him, still holding onto to me. "Dang your savage for what a 5 year old?" Fryboy playful asked. "I'm 7 not 5 French Fry!" He screamed. "Hugo!" I tuned around to see Arron walking towards us. His brown hair was a mess and his emerald eyes narrowed deathly at Hugo. "Sissy hide me, Arron's trying to hurt me!" He cried hiding behind me. "I am not!" He yelled running to catch him. I picked him up and held him tight. "You'r not touching him today!" I protested playing. Hugo started giggling and I handed him back over to Arron. As they said good bye and walked away I looked over to catch just a glimpse of Fry staring at me. "Hmm who's obsessed with me now? Clown boy" I said before running away after he started chasing me.

At 7:15pm we finally had a 15 minute break. I walked into the sliders break room and sat down on a chair next to Fry. "Are you seriously live again mate?" I said getting up to get some candy. I walked back over with a packet of Sour patch kids in my hand. "Want some?" I offered putting them down just chin level to his face. He grabbed some and stuffed them in his mouth. He started chewing but stopped, his eyes went watery and hos face went sour as a lemon. "WHY ARE THEY SOUR!" He cried with a very sour face expression. Both Gascan and I stated laughing our asses off as a showed him the package that said 'extremely sour do not eat!'. "That's why I didn't eat any and I didn't offer Gascan any!" I managed to breath out. After that little prank I stood back up to grabbed my watermelon sour patch kids then I walked behind Fryboy. I bent down placing my head on his shoulder trying to read the chat. "Are Sugar Cub and Fryboy dating!?" One of them said. I stopped chewing and walked away pissed at the question, that question made my blood boil. "My clown wait, it was only a simple question!" Fryboy called after I put the sour patch kids down. "Yeah and it's a question we've answered many time!" I yelled clearly pissed. Fryboy got up walked over dragging me back over. "Pepsi or Coke?" Another question asked. "Coke" Fry said immediately while sitting back down. "Pepsi" Gascan said. Fry looked at him liked he was some crazy man then he looked at me. "Pepsi" I say wanting to see his reaction. "You said this morning Coke you liar!" He pointed doing his stupid smirk and started tickling me "If I'm being completely honest neither!" I protested trying not to get my ass kicked and further. "You have Husky energy right now" I laughed trying to stay awake. "I wanna start howling now" He said looking at me using his hands as dog ears. He started reading the chat again and another question came up so he read it out loud. "Would you ever date Sugar Cub?" just as he said that he moved his hand behind his chair gripping onto the back of my leg. (Btw your head is still on his shoulder) I must of blushed because that chat started asking why I was going red. "Ah looks like times up guys! Love you all bye!" He said ending the live the live as quick as possible, while Gascan left ."You liar!" I playfully said punching him. He then stood up and I turned around. Gascan had gone back out along with the others so it was just me and him in one empty room. He then walked behind and me and slowly started grabbing my hips pulling me back. "What are you doing?" I laughed as he moved my hair aside to lightly kiss my neck. "I want you Y/N, I want you so baldy it hurts~" He said ignoring my first question. As he pulled me even closer so a point my whole back was touching him my whole stomach filled up with butterflies and.....

Sorry for another cliff hanger, but I don't know if I should add a little bit of smut, my friends told me I should but I don't know so please tell me if I should or should not, I won't be adding any next chapter but if you all say yes to smut I might in a few up coming chapters so yeah, I hope you liked it my Tricksters! Byeeeeee

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