+The message+

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He grabbed my head and smashed it into the wall making blood trickle down my face, throat and eventually to my shirt. He grabbed a knife and slit my throat making more blood come out but then I woke up in Fryboy's arms. I sat up and cried remembering what just happened. "Babe what's wrong?" Fry said sitting up beside me. I told him
about the nightmare and he hugged me laying back down. "He's gone ok, he'll never be back" I wished it was true but I new some day he would come back and try to kill me and Fryboy. "Why don't we get some ice cream or coffee?" I looked at my phone and saw it was 1pm in the afternoon. "Sure, can I asked if Alex and Lexie wanna come?" I asked opening up my messages. "Sure, then we can figure out what happens between you all, and I can meet them" He got up and put he shoes on. I got dressed did my hair a makeup and walked down to the car. I texted them and they said sure.

When we got there I was still felt sick about my nightmare, when we got there I hugged them close, but Fryboy death glared me whenever I hugged Alex. "Guys this is my Boyfriend Fryboy!" He grabbed my waist and pulled me beside him not letting go. "Someone's jealous" I said putting my hand on the other side of his face giving him a kiss. Alex laughed knowing he was the target. "Oh btw I forgot to tell you my brother works with you to!" Alex said sitting down. "Wait what's his slider name." I asked looking at Fry. "Stalker" He said happily. "No." I looked at my phone a looked back at him. "Dose he look like this by any chance?" I asked Alex showing him a picture of the team. "Yeah that's him in the front row!" He said pointing straight to stalker. "Did you hang out with him on Monday?" I asked. "Yeah he was over for a little bit, what's going on?" I explained to him what happened that night and who we thought it was. "That dose sound like something he would do." He said disappointed. We forgot about and it and started talking about work and what a future plans where. "Hey Y/N" Lexie said out of the blue. "Yeah?" I asked. "Would you ever have kids with Mr Clown over here?" I looked at him and grabbed his hand under the table. He looked away thinking I would never and that our relationship would never last. "Of course I would, he would be a amazing father!" I said looking at him. "Really?" He beamed up and looked at me. We all finished our coffee and said our good byes.

When we got home he started acting wired. When I opened the door and closed it behind me he pinned me against it and started kissing me. He took his jacket and shit off and slowing started unbuttoning my shirt. He kissed down to my neck and to my collar bone. I let out a slight moan and he just smirked. He then picked me  up and bought me over to the bed. He slowly undid my bra and undid his pants (and we all know what happens next😏, comment of you want me to go into detail with it, I probably won't because like it's Fryboy and well I don't want to do that to a real person where if he was fake like for example in Harry Potter then yk)

I woke up exhausted resting my hands and head on his chest. He was still asleep and I just sat there still listening to his heart beat. I finally got up and went to have a shower but barely able to move me legs, I was shaky and trembling. *ugh, fuck you Fryboy.* I thought gripping onto the wall walking into the bathroom. When I got out I got a message from someone. I looked at my phone to see it was from Sky.
Brother Sky🌌
Sky: Sis, mum, Hugo and Arron are in hospital!
My heart sank.
Me: what!? What happened are you ok?
Sky: Yeah I'm fine, we all got into a car accident and mum, Arron and Hugo won't wake up!
I started crying worried what might of actually happened that Sky was hiding from me.
Sky: Doctors say visitors aren't allowed for a few more day, but I just thought I let you.
I didn't even read the last part I was crying on the floor (you where dressed btw) before Fry nocked on the door. "Babe are you ok? I hear crying" He asked opening the door. "Babe what happened!?" I looked up at him and nodded at my phone. He sat there for a few moments reading before he new what had actually happened and why I was upset. He bent down to me and gave me a kiss, he slowly picked me up and put me back to bed.

*2 hours later*

When he left the room I texted Sky again.
Brother Sky🌌
Me: anything on mum?
Sky: .....
Me: what?
Sky: She's not going to make it sis... her wounds are to bad she was trying to protect all 3 of us.
I looked at the message over and over, first my dad and now my mum! When I was 14 my dad died but it never really affected me, he was a alcoholic and abused me and my brothers every day. When I was 13 mum had Hugo and dad left him but me Arron and Sky where still abused. Then one day after I turned 14 he died in hospital from drug over dose. I cried thinking of how shit my life was. It was just getting amazing and now, the one person who cared me all through my 20 years of living was going to die. I cried and cried until Fry came back in. "Woah what happened?" He sat down next to him and I explained to him everything, all my life trauma and what had happened everything. Fryboy stayed with me and cuddled me and gave me lots of kisses not leaving until I fell asleep.

Hey guys! I had this idea and well yeah I had to get it down so sorry if it's sloppy lol, btw Fryboy still has his house but since he loves and misses you so much he stays with you whenever your not working and btw the reason why your not working anymore is because it's holidays! Lol and because I keep forgetting to add the working but yeah lol, Tysm for all the love and support!❤️

My Clown (Fryboy x Fem Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant