+Baby On The Way+

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I looked at my belly and rubbed it, a baby girl or boy was growing in there. "I hope your a girl, my little Princess." Fryboy said rubbing my belly. "I hope it's a boy." I replied. "What are you going to name he or she?" Gascan asked. "I like Rodger and Emily!" Fryboy said. "No. I am not naming my daughter after your ex." I snapped. "He laughed and suggested and really pretty girls name. "What about Faith?" He asked. "I love that" I said, "I like Leo as a boy name!" I smiled and we kissed and hugged before getting back to work.

*months later*

I was 6 months pregnant and really sick. I stayed at home and told Fryboy just to stay at his moms for she needed him at the moment. Fryboy and I finally bought a house together before the baby came. I rubbed my baby bump and still hadn't told my brothers or besties oops. So I gave them a little call in a group chat. "YOUR 6 MONTHS PREGNANT AND DIDN'T TELL US!" Lexie screamed, my brothers where shocked and dammed they talked to Fryboy. "I said no that he was out of town and I was just chilling at home, Fryboy went to work and I sometimes visited to look at any planning. Emily was finally arrested for attempted murder when she snuck into Fryboy's house and was fired, so visiting was peaceful, Jackson was still is prison and demanded that he saw me. I told him no, and that I was pregnant which turned his furious but he's not in my life anymore and it will stay like that. Luna was always next to me and always had her paw on my bump as if to say, "I will protect." Which is what I wanted her to do. One day Fryboy came home and walked over to me in bed, He didn't see Luna and was about to kiss me before Luna came up and snapped at him. I laughed as Fryboy scolded her, but she didn't listen. Life was amazing and I wish it would never end, ok maybe I wanted this kid out of me but still. We finally got the gender at it was a boy! "My little Leo." I smiled when the doc told us. Fryboy almost cried because it wasn't a girl. "Don't worry Babe, we can always try again!" He looked up at me and smirked. That's when I realised what it ment we had to. "FRYBOY!" I yelled throwing my slipper at him. "sorry!" He cried running away. My family came and visited and so did his, we didn't tell them the name because we wanted it to be a secret. Weeks past and I started to feel sick, like really sick, everything I ate came back up, and it was getting worse. I begged Fryboy not to take me to hospital but one day when I feel asleep he came up picked me up and walked me down to the car and took me to the hospital. When I woke up I was in a hospital bed with Fryboy sitting there holding my hand. "Babe what happened?" I asked. "Nothing, I was worried about you bring everything you ate up so when you feel asleep I brother you here." He said calmly. "I hate you." I said. "No you don't you love me, oh well you should if your having MY kid." He smiled. I rolled me eyes before feeling a sharp pain in my stomach, and soon before I new it I was going into labour.

After hours of pain and pushing it was over, Fryboy walked in because he had past out because of the blood and sat down next to me. The nurse then handed my baby boy and I held him close in my arms. I started to cry because of how cute he was, he looked like another version of me when I was born but he had Fryboy's skin. He looked at both of us and smiled. Fryboy even started crying. The nurse came in a looked worried. "Ummm Miss Y/L/N you should be aware your son is 2 months early, which is why he is so small.." I looked at Fryboy and looked down at Leo, and sure enough he was a lot smaller. "Is anything wrong with him?" Fryboy asked. "N-no, just he will be a lot smaller then other kids and babies." She was treating it like it was a bad thing but we didn't think it was. "What about me throwing up everything after I eat?" I asked. "We think you may have a eating disorder but it can be fixed!" Fryboy went home to get everything for Loe ready and to tell our family and friends that he had been born.

After a week in hospital with Loe we where both discharged and where happy to be home. Leo's uncles came around to meet him. "Please don't be ruff with him" I said picking him up and handing him to Sky. "What do you mean?" He said giving Leo and little kiss before walking away. "I walked into the bedroom to see Fryboy getting dressed after being in the shower, I came up behind him and gave him a really big hug. We hugged for a long time before we heard crying and yelling. "What on earth is going on out here!" Fryboy yelled walking out of the bedroom. Leo was on the coach crying while Arron, Hugo and Sky where all fighting. Fryboy picked Leo up and stopped him crying while I calmed my brothers down. "That's it either stop fighting or get out! Your making Leo cry!" I screamed making them all go quiet, but everyone stopped everything when there was a knock on the door.
So sorry everyone this took long it was rushed, because coming up to Christmas I've bee;really busy so sorry everyone! Love you my tricksters!

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