+I'm Here+

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I turned around and didn't see anyone who called me but just as I was about to sit down Fryboy pulled me onto his lap. Dusty had just turned the lights off and I was kinda thankful didn't want people saying we where dating. "You know I wouldn't down anything to hurt you~" He whispered softly in my ear. He pulled me back and wrapped his hand around my stomach moving my hair so he could rest his head on my shoulder (just like before in the break room) I fell back actually feeling safe in his hands no wanting it to end. He slowly lifted his head and started kissing my neck then he started bitting it giving the butterflies even more friends. I was about to make a noise before Fry covered my mouth with his hand. "Look love the others don't need to know about this so don't make a sound~" He whispered. As he stopped he rested his head back onto my shoulder and laid back pulling me along with him. I moved my legs so they laid on the lounge and I was sitting side ways on him. I got really tired as we watched more and more movies and eventually I started resting my head on his chest and falling asleep with out hesitation feeling like nothing could hurt me at all.

When I woke up I was in someone's house. I looked around to see I was still on Fryboy (like he took you to his house and didn't bother putting you to bed he just kept holding you) "morning love~" I looked up to see his face with no makeup. "Hmmmm hmph" I groaned placing my head back down on his chest and I closed my eyes again. I felt safe in his arms and I didn't want to leave them. "So are we dating?" He asked looking down at me, I open my eyes and looked back up at him. "No~" I teased sitting up and getting off of him. He pulled me back down and I looked at him. "Fry... I need to go!" I said trying to wiggle out of his grip. "In 4 in the morning huh?" I looked at him and realised I was still cuddling Stitch. "How long did we stay At Dusty's?" I asked looking at my phone. "Well we got there around there at 1am and then you fell asleep at 2am so I took you home or well here around 2:30am to 3am so yeah maybe about an hour to and hour an a half" He explain even though we where there longer. "I didn't need a whole paragraph on it" I looked at him but something in his eyes made me feel like we did belong together. I finally got up and grabbed my stuff ready to leave. "Do you have to go you can stay until the sun comes up!" He begged giving me puppy dog eyes. "Awww your cute but no~" I said leaving the house. I had been at his house before so I knew where I was but I till got a taxi. When I got home I missed Fryboy all ready. *hmmm, should I go back? No Y/N what are you thinking everyone's going to start thinking that your dating.*

As the day went by and I got bored I decided to call Lexie and Alex to see if they wanted to hang out. "Hello?" "Hey Alex are you and Lexie free I was wondering if you wanted to hang out!" I asked. "Oh so now you have time for us, what your little boyfriend is busy?" I was shocked. "What?" "Lexie wanted to hang out last night but no you had to go out with the squad it's always "oH tHe SqAuD i CaN't HaNg OuT sOrRy" it's always about them never us!" "I've been busy and plus the squad is like my family just like you guys please! And plus I told Lexie I was going to hang out with you guys today!" I started crying. "Bye Y/N. Never contact us again." And he hung up blocking me straight away. I screamed at the top of my lunges, I had just lost my only friends besides Fryboy. I rang him because I was that upset and needed someone to comfort me. (Btw it's like 9am lol) "hello Y/N you ok?" He said. "No I'm not ok!" I screamed and cried the same time. "Woah woah what happened!" I explained to him while trying to not have a panic attack from all the pain and stress. "I'll be over in 5" he said before hanging up. I sat there crying and couldn't breath well, everything went dizzy and I went light headed for about 6 minutes before my door slammed open. I felt and pair of hands picking me up and pulling me close to his chest. "Hey, hey it's ok love I'm here" Fryboy hugged me close not letting go. "You don't need them Princess you have me and the squad" he assured. "But Fry, they've been with me since the 1st grade how am I going to live with out them!?" I cried, my heart hurt badly and all I wanted was Fryboy to stay with me that made me even more scared to ask him if he wanted to be my boyfriend. Soon he pulled my face up with his hand. "If they can't see how busy you are, and that you don't need to hang out with them to prove you love them then they're not proper best friends... look, when you where in hospital we where still best friends even if we didn't get to hang out" he had a point and maybe I didn't need them but it still hurt. "You have the worlds best of friend all ready and his name is Fryboy" he grinned making me feel happier and safer.

After he calmed me down he sat me on the lounge and made me some coffee. "Thanks Fry" I said still sniffing. "It's ok love" you put a movie on and got up to grab some food. When I saw him laying down and his eyes closed I wanted to play a little trick on him. I sat on his lap looking down at him, he immediately open his eyes and I didn't even bother looking at him I just ate my red frogs and watched my phone. "You alright there My Clown?" I looked him and looked back while nodding. I laid down resting my head on his chest wanting to see how he reacted. He then wrapped his arms around my lower back and closed his eyes I ended up falling asleep to the sound of his heart beat.

When I woke up it was still light so I thought it was still the morning but when I checked my phone I was wrong. "Fry wake up it's 5pm!" I yelled shacking him awake. "Hmmmm?" He mumbled slowly waking up. "Fry we start in half an hour!" I got up off of his lap and start running around like a maniac but then.....

So many cliff hangers lol sorry my tricksters, I wrote this in the middle of class so I hope it's good, god I was hungry while I wrote this AND STILL AM! I think this is the longest Fryboy story so far? Not sure and in your opinion I forgot to asked this in I think +Emily+ but which would you prefer Coke or Pepsi or you can be like me both or neither anyways bye my little tricksters!

My Clown (Fryboy x Fem Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora